Chapter 43 - The Story of the Master's House

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Greg, Susan, and Jessie arrived early at the radio station where Greg and Jessie would be taking part in the Gary Gaffney Show as his special guests. They were doing the broadcast and the recording in the morning on Friday, so as not to disrupt the normal broadcast schedule for the station later in the day. They were met in the lobby at half past eight by the producer, Mark, who escorted them all inside.

"Hello, welcome!" Gary approached the family in the hall, shaking hands with each one of them. "It is good to see you again."

"Our pleasure," Greg told him. "Jessie and I have been looking forward to talking with you as part of your show."

"How about you, Susan?" Gary asked.

"We talked a good deal about the story of the Master's House during this past week, and while I know much of it second hand, it was Harald and Mary who were actually there," Susan told him.

"Mary?" Gary questioned.

"That's what people called me when I was a grown up in that life," Jessie explained. "My real name was Marie, just like it is now."

Gary looked questioningly at Greg and Susan.

Susan explained. "Jessie was named after her maternal grandmother, a lady we knew as Mary McGowan, who apparently was also named Marie. 'Jessica' is Jessie's middle name, which is what her parents called her, and the way she was introduced to me when I met her at the airport before our flight."

"Before your flight ... you mean the flight that crashed more than ten years ago?" Gary asked, looking between the three of them. "I heard Albert talking to Rowena about that at the pub last Saturday."

"He and I talked about it a good deal," Susan agreed.

Gary smiled at his guests. "There is just so much about you that would be interesting to share. But for today, at your request, we agreed to set aside our time in the studio to talk about the Master's House."

"Thank you," Greg said.

"Will it go out live today?" Jessie wondered.

"Here in Dublin, and for some of our syndicated audiences abroad, it will. However, my show is generally broadcast later nationally, so most audiences will hear it then," Gary told them.

"That's right. The entire show will be recorded to be re-broadcast at a later day and time," Mark explained.

"I understand," Greg assured them.

"Jessie?" Mark asked.

"I do too," Jessie said.

"Then Jessie, Greg, if you could come with me?" Gary requested.

Jessie glanced between Greg and Gary, then to the show's producer, Mark, who came with them to help her out.

"This way," Mark told the teen and together they followed the two seasoned performers into the broadcasting booth.

Susan made herself comfortable on one of the chairs in the hall, just like she did the week before, watching intently while Greg, Gary, and the producer went out of their way to ensure Jessie was comfortable. They explained to her about the headphones she needed to wear, and the microphone which was set up for her to use. Then they ran a series of sound checks and tests to ensure she could hear them from the control room, and they could hear her okay.

Jessie smiled when she realized she could hear not only the director and the producer through the headphones, but also her Papa and Gary too.

"How do we do this?" Jessie asked nervously when it looked like they were ready to start.

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