Chapter 22 - A Different Holiday

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The days leading up to Christmas literally flew by. Between the decorating, the baking and the shopping, all while visiting, each day was very busy. The Abernathys, the Goodmans, and the Coopers finished their Christmas preparations just in time. Still, there was a bit of a rush for each of them to get everything wrapped and ready under the Christmas tree in time for Christmas Eve. Susan and Zack managed to finish theirs late in the afternoon of December 24th, while they talked and listened for Milly while she napped. Everyone else went to the afternoon performance of the Fiddler on the Roof play. The show had been on Broadway for more than six months and Kelly was curious to see how much it might have changed. Jessie decided to go with her and Reuben, leaving only Susan and Zack at home, since Greg, Shelly, and Bert were all in the play.

"I'm beginning to wish I did some of this sooner," Susan remarked as the last package, aside from those from Santa, was placed under the tree.

"I'm not. We were so busy with school and Milly last week, there is no way we could have fit in Christmas shopping too. Besides, there aren't as many places to shop in San Luis Obispo," Zack told her.

"I remember. How did that work out, taking care of Milly in between classes last quarter?" Susan wondered.

"Fine, except for finals week. We ended up using the childcare center on campus that week, just so we could study. Milly really liked going there, so we think we'll do that more next quarter," Zack replied.

"And you managed to finish all your classes okay?" Susan asked curiously.

"Yeah, we did good. You know, after one more quarter, I'll officially be considered to be in my senior year," Zack told her.

"How about Kelly?" Susan asked.

"She's lagging behind a bit. Her summer classes helped, but she wasn't able to take a full load, so she's going to be a sophomore all this year," Zack explained. "Putting Milly in the childcare center should help her too, at least next calendar year."

"Is that your plan for the next quarter or two?" Susan wondered.

"Yes. We have classes that overlap on Tuesday and Thursday mornings Winter quarter, so we signed her up for half days on those days every week. That way we can get to our classes and even study some on our own before noon on those days while she's there. We think that will help, without Milly spending too much time away from us. So yeah, that's what we're going to do," Zack shared.

Susan smiled, happy her son and his family had a plan.

"I suppose it's time to start dinner," Susan said as she got up.

"Do you need help?" Zack offered.

"No thanks. It might be time to get Milly up, but aside from that why don't the two of you just enjoy the tree. I'm sure the Goodmans and Jessie will be here soon. Greg will be too."

With that, Susan left Zack looking after his daughter while admiring the tree and the view.


Later that night, Susan served a wonderful Christmas Eve dinner of prime rib roast. Bert, Shelly, and Reuben joined them, feeling surprisingly at home.

"How was the play?" Susan asked those who attended over dinner.

"It was good, Mama. Bertie is getting really good at singing," Jessie remarked.

"He has improved considerably over the last year," Greg agreed.

"Are you considering acting as a career?" Reuben asked the teen.

"Maybe. I'm not sure being an extra really gives me the kind of experience I'm going to need to decide that," Bert answered.

"Surely being in a production on Broadway gives you some idea what it could be like," Susan remarked.

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