ch 5 part 2: befriending a broken soul

Start from the beginning

I use some of my magic out of sight of the people to install fog machines on stage and turn them on, also creating hidden lights on the stage, making a little light show that makes the crowd go wild do to the fact I made the show that much better. I also know Mimzy will thank me for it later.

… You keep calling me a psycho
Got it in my head, careful what you say
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho, a psycho
You keep calling me a psycho
Thought that I was scared but I came prepared
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho, a psycho
You made me a psycho, a psycho
You made me a psycho, a psycho

I'm nearing the end of the song but I can everyone knows that, I have a feeling I might have to do another song after but we'll see.

… I'm hearing it all, I hear it in my head
Whispering, they're whispering again
Hearing it all, they see me as a threat
Pushing me, keep pushing to the edge
… You keep calling me a psycho
Got it in my head, careful what you say
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho, a psycho
You keep calling me a psycho
Thought that I was scared but I came prepared
Think you might be right though
You made me a psycho, a psycho

I finish the song and not even a second later, applauding sounds through out the whole bar. I get asked to do a few more songs through requests and I sing them all for them. Once finished with all the singing I did I wave bye to the crowd, using magic to back into my previous outfit after the curtain closes. Mimzy comes up as does Angel.

"That was amazing y/n and thanks for the new stuff for on stage." Mimzy thanks me, all so happy I made the crowd this lively.

"It was nothing Mimzy."

"Damn toots, you got some voice for singing."

"Well thanks Angel." I laugh at the complement mostly because it was sweet of him and it was nice to see him so happy.

We both start to laugh as we start walking back to the bar counter, Trevor already having our drinks in his hand and a water for me as well.

"Thanks Trevor" I thank him for the drink before taking a sip and it's better then ever before. For some reason it always is after I sing, I guess it's because I worked for it, "still your best job Trevor."

I look at Angel and something seems off. He keeps glancing over towards a corner as we talk. It makes me a bit worried.

"Angel you okay?" That seems to snap him out of his little trance.

"Yeah I'm fine toots, it's nothing." He tries to play it off but I know better then that.

I look over to where he was looking and guess who I see, Valentino. "Let me guess, bad experience with Valentino."

"Something like that." Is all he says, I sweat if he is hurting him I'll kill him, I don't care about the treaty I have with all the overlords, if he's hurting him I need to get Angel out of there. Guess I'll have to do some spying.

I get up and walk towards Valentino and Angel freaks out. He trys to get me to stop but I don't. Once I get over there, Valentino stops talking to some girls near him when he sees me. He scared of me mostly but still cocky as hell.

"Well y/n what a pleasant surprise, rethinking the offer I gave you, to make you a star?" I gag in thought of that, disgusting. Angel looks at me, surprised that I was even offered that but also scared. Even though I'm able to pretty much do what I'd like but when it comes to overlords I make a deal with every single one and the only way to break those is if I find proof of something wrong, meaning I'm not allowed to spy in other territories or break deals unless it's being abusive. But with certain things being the way I can see if that is happening. And I refuse to look in people's minds due to the fact I only do it as a very last resort.

"Valentino, would you care to tell me why you and Angel even know each other and why he seems scared of you hmm?" I cock my head to the side, putting a smile on my face that sends shivers down Valentino's spine. He doesn't say anything, obviously too scared to speak because he knows exactly who I am.

I grab Angel's wrist and pull him out of the bar and we start walking back to the Hotel. On the way, Angel seems angered but also scared.

"Angel how do you know Valentino?"

"He's my boss toots"

"I see, well if he does do anything to you and I mean anything, tell me and I'll put him in his place. Alright?"

"Yeah yeah I will..." he laughs a little, and I can tell he wouldn't actually but atheist he knows I'm here for him.

We make it to the hotel and I walk him to his room and before he goes into his room he stops and turns to me, giving me a hug. At first I'm surprised but hug back.

"Thanks for being a good friend y/n." With that he opened his door to his room, walked in, and closed it.

"You're welcome Angel" I whisper as i walk to my room, "looks like I got some things I need to do..."

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