Chapter 16: Why so Stiff?

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"Okay.. I think that's enough work for tonight" I say shrugging and closing the Divergent file.

"Who put you in charge?" Eric says rolling his eyes.

"Well I'm done checking every one of these cases off and I'm tired.. so yeah.. I'm going to bed" I say standing up and handing him the file and clipboard.

"Fine" he says annoyed.

I try to walk out when I feel a hand grip my wrist.

"Wait.. you're coming to my place.. I don't want you in that dorm tonight" he says sternly while shutting his computer.

"Won't I get in trouble for that?" I ask.

"I'm pretty sure Max will understand.. especially since Four had that Tris girl in his apartment last night" Eric says shrugging.

I slightly laugh and run my fingers through my hair as we walk out of his office and down to his apartment.

"I don't mean to be a bother, but can I use your shower.. I feel kind of gross?" I ask him with puppy dog eyes.

"Go for it" he says sternly.

I nod and turn around to walk back out the door when he slams it shut.

"What are you doing? I said you could use it" he says glaring at me.

"Well I need some clothes to change into, I can't put these back on" I say rolling my eyes.

"Alright come on then" he says grabbing my arm and opening the door again.

"I can walk myself you know" I say slightly laughing.

"Oh shut up and come on" he says pulling on my arm as the apartment door shuts behind me.

I sigh and walk down the halls until we reach the dormitory.

"Hurry up" he says motioning for me to go in.

"I'll be as fast as a snail" I say sarcastically as I walk into the dark dorm with a flashlight.

"Shannon is that you?" I hear a sleepy voice say from behind me.

I quickly turn around and point my flashlight to whoever it was that was speaking to me.

"Dude" Christina says covering her face.

"Shit sorry" I say bringing down my light.

"Why are you awake?" she asks yawning.

"I was um.. with Four" I say shrugging and packing some of my things into a bag.

"Mm.. okay" she says laying back down.

I slightly laugh and walk back out of the dorm with my bag.

"You moving in or something" Eric says pointing to my bag.

"It's just my clothes, make-up and bathroom things" I say rolling my eyes.

"Whatever, let's go" he says walking away.

We walk back down to his apartment and without wasting any time, I make my way into his bathroom.

He had such a nice big bathtub, I couldn't not have a bath.

"Are you almost done in there, I swear to god, you've been in there for like an hour" he says banging on the door.

"Dude.. it's only been like half an hour.. and I'm finally done shaving.. so now I'm gonna relax" I say leaning back in the tub.

"Just get dressed and get your ass out here" he says walking away from the door.

I sigh and stand up as I let the water out of the tub.

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