Chapter 8: Giving it your All

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The next morning I wake up next to Al again. He made me feel so special, it hurt me that I had cheated on him. I wish that I could take sleeping with Eric back, but then again.. he made me feel something too.

"Mmm" I hear Al mumble as he slowly opens his eyes.

"Good morning" I say softly and rubbing my thumb against his jaw line.

"What time is it?" he says closing his eyes again.

"It's early.. go back to sleep, I'm gonna go to the training room okay" I say softly kissing him and getting up.

I head back over to my bed and start getting ready for the day. I quickly throw my long brunette hair up into a messy bun and grab my bag as I head down to the training room.

When I get there it is empty, thank god. I get the whole room to myself for now.

I throw down my bag on a near my bench and head up to a punching bag to start practicing.

My fists were still sore from yesterday's training and the one more than the other because of my incident with Eric, but I didn't care.. I needed to let out some steam.

"Woah easy there girl" a familiar voice says from behind me.

"Fuck.. Edward.. you scared me" I say laughing and wiping my face.

"Sorry.. I just couldn't sleep and wanted to work on some extra training" he says laughing. "If you don't mind, can I help you?" he asks.

"Yeah definitely, I could use some advice" I say smiling.

"Okay well first things first.. maybe turn your body just a smidge when you punch and make sure that you're not so tense" he says as he holds the bag for me. "Try it".

I loosen up just like he and Eric had told me to and turn my body just a little bit so that I have a good angle. I take a deep breath in and throw a hard punch right to the side of the bag. 

"That's good" he says nodding.

"Thanks.. it's nice for someone in first place to give me advice" I say laughing.

"You know honestly.. I would love if a girl could be ranked number one" he says smiling.

"Was that sarcasm or are you serious?" I ask curiously.

"No I'm serious, there has never been a girl ranked in first place before" he says rubbing my shoulder.

"Seriously?" I say back to him shockingly.

"Yeah I'm for real, it's always only been boys ranked in the number one spot" he says back.

"No shit" I say laughing.

"Yeah. If you can pass me, you'd make history" he says laughing with me.

"Yeah right" I say shaking my head.

"You can probably do it if you practice hard enough, I mean look at it this way, right now.. you're the strongest girl here and you're also ranked in fifth place, I'd say that's pretty damn good" he says smiling and fist bumping me.

"I guess that's kind of true" I say smiling. "I just don't wanna jinx myself".

"Just promise me that you'll give it your all" he says nodding.

"Your so pushy.. yes.. I'll give it my all" I say shaking my head and nudging him.

I felt like me and Edward were becoming closer friends. I mean, I could completely trust him with my secrets and I loved that.


"Hey Shannon, you ready for today's fights?" Peter asks.

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