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Y/N sat on a rooftop, humming out of boredom. His eyes scanned the area, detecting hardly any movement in the night. He let out a loud sigh, leaning back on his palms.

Patrol was boring as hell when there are no criminals.

Y/N, or Lupus, in this case, had been doing this for hours and not a single soul had been out tonight. It was peacefully suspicious.

The sun was dipping below the horizon and behind the towering buildings of the more central part of Mustafu, Japan. Y/N sighed, knowing that major crimes were just about stopping over there.

Villains that attack the city are kind of beyond stupid. They always attack in broad daylight and announce it. That's basically begging for someone to come and beat their ass on live TV. It's almost pitiful to watch.

At least the criminals in the low income neighborhoods try to be sneaky. Attacking at night, stealing armed with more than just their quirk; just basic facts that every criminal should know.

Maybe Y/N should host a "How to be a Proper Villain" School.

Tomura sat on the couch, glancing over his shoulder at the door. His face contorted in slight irritation as he stared at it. It was still closed shut and unmoving. 

Just like it has been for the last three hours.

"You and Y/N are pretty close, huh," Tomura blinked as his eyes wandered over to Nemuri, who gave him a soft smile. "Don't worry, he'll be back."

Tomura just stared at her and nodded. He'd usually be a lot more defiant, but he actually didn't mean the woman. She was much better than that washed up, homeless looking asshole from last time (*cough* Aizawa *cough* *cough*).

Nemuri remembered laughing her ass off when she heard about the babysitting adventures of Shota and Tomura. The difference between her experience compared to his was night and day. Tomura hasn't acted out once. To think Aizawa had such trouble with such a good kid.

Nemuri honestly found Tomura's clinginess to Y/N adorable. The way he had a hard time letting the werewolf leave was just giving her a lifetime amount of serotonin. He's looked back at that door every 5 minutes, expecting the hero to walk right in. She also hadn't forgotten Y/N's reaction the very moment the little boy was in danger.

It was a bond stronger than most families. And she was here for it.

"Alright, Tomura," Nemuri smiled as she walked over to him. "Is there anything you wanna do while Y/N's away?" The pale blue haired boy blinked as he played with his gloves. He shook his head.

He really just wanted to sit and wait until Y/N gets back.

"Okay. How about we watch a movie?" Nemuri suggested, finding the boy to be adorable.

𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐒𝐔𝐀𝐋 𝐊𝐈𝐃𝐍𝐀𝐏𝐏𝐈𝐍𝐆 ➯ mha ✘ father!readerWhere stories live. Discover now