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A woman was being held captive in a chokehold, a knife sitting on top of her neck. Tears welled up in her brown eyes as she stared up at the villain who was holding her there. She whimpered as a bunch of people stared in horror.

Feelings bubbled up inside everyone's hearts.

That poor girl.

The urge to help was strong, but fear was always stronger. The inner voice in everyone's heads was echoing, yelling at them to do something. But fear controlled them, preventing them from moving. Preventing them from helping. Preventing them from doing anything.

Not to mention, they were accustomed to this. There was so much crime in this neighborhood. All the time, you just give them what they want and maybe they'll let their hostage go.

You'll never see All Might here. No Endeavor. No one that everyone would know.

It's tragic.

When you need help, you don't get any.

"Give me the money, now. Or the girl gets it!" The villain threatened, a chuckle of amusement escaping his lips.

"What girl?" A voice asked in the crowd. The villain grimaced.

"The hell do you mean what girl?! The girl right he-" The villain paused as he was kicked in the back, his face smashing against the wall.

The villain turned towards the assaulter, the gasps in the crowd loud as he noticed spirit brightening.

"Honestly, it's true: evil never rests. Good thing I don't either."

The assaulter was none other than the pro hero, Lupus. The hero was carrying the girl in his arms. His white shirt was openly seen while the short-sleeved blue shirt over it acted as a jacket. Brown pants with black boots. A lazy smirk.

The girl blushed as the hero set her down, smiling at her.

"You okay? Sorry, I didn't get here sooner." He apologized. The girl seemed flustered, much to his amusement.

"Y-Y-Yes. T-Thank you for s-saving me, Lupus..." She thanked him.

"You again?! Die!!" The criminal yelled as he charged at the pro hero, who raised an eyebrow as he simply caught his fist.

"Ooh, that's gotta suck." Lupus stated, gripping the fist hard. "It always sucks when you miss a punch, because your opponent almost always does this." The hero literally twisted his arm and pinned him to the ground, stepping on his back as he pulled his arm. The villain let out a scream of agony.

"Let me go, you son of a-"

"Nononono, you don't get to talk. You're a lowlife villain. Your right to have an opinion left when your will to live did." The pro hero stated, holding him in place until the cops showed up and arrested him.

"Thank you once again, Lupus." The said hero nodded with a small salute before heading off.

Lupus sat on top of a building, staring into the sky. He sighed as he laid back against the vent of the roof.

Werewolf Hero: Lupus.

That was him.

Underground hero. A hero who only patrols in low-income communities. A hero that only few know. If you asked a bunch of people about Lupus, maybe only one or two would know who that is.

And that's the way he likes it.

The whole point of Lupus being a hero is to protect and save those who don't live in communities that get all the aid of heroes. Being broadcasted or incredibly famous wouldn't be against the point, but he doesn't really want to be famous.

Fame was the last of his worries.

His hero rank isn't even in the top 50.

Lupus is definitely an underground hero.

When Lupus is off of duty, he's not Lupus.

He's Y/N L/N.

The guy who said he'd never be a hero.

Yeah, he became a hero.

But it wasn't easy.

The main reason for doing this was for his brother. For Arata. Ex-future hero. How would his brother feel, seeing his brother despise the very thing he wanted to be? His pure-hearted brother would definitely be his biggest fan.

A side reason was because in all his years of living, there has only been a handful of heroes who have come and actually stopped a villain from harming someone.

Y/N never wanted anyone else to experience what he did.

The sheer pain of staring at a loved one's dead, bloodied body. It's unbearable.

So... Lupus was born.


Y/N had barely even turned around before being tackled into a hug by the one and only Kayama Nemuri. Well technically, Midnight, now.

The young and upcoming hero was just like him. New to this, except she's a lot more popular than him.

She a lot more popular. Especially with the boys.

Nemuri is the R-Rated Hero after all.

Even though, she's a hero, she's still the same old Nemuri to Y/N. Cheerful. Open-Hearted. Sadistic.

"I can't believe you're taking me out on a date! I'm so happy!" Nemuri exclaimed, swaying as she hugged herself happily. Y/N laughed at her actions. A grown ass woman who acts like a teenager. Same old Nemuri.

"It's not a date. I just offered to take you to go get food." Y/N told her, despite this, she still grinned.

"Silly, silly N/N. That's a date!" She laughed, waving her hand in front of her.







"Fine, it's a date."

"Dat- wait, what?" Nemuri's face hinted in pink as she suddenly became shooketh at him agreeing with her. She was joking and just trying to annoy him. Why does he have to make teasing so difficult?!

"Come on, Nemuri! Before the Chick-fil-a line gets too long!" He stated, linking his arm with her as he pulled her towards the said place.

"So, N/N, you like my house?"

Nemuri was sitting on her bed while Y/N sat on the floor in front of her. The purple haired woman was braiding the ends of Y/N's hair while the boy was drawing on a sketchpad a picture of her.

"Yep. It's kind of like a mansion in here." He told her, looking up from his drawing to look out the window that gave a great view of the city. "How'd you get it? Seduced the seller?" He smirked, sarcastically. Nemuri puffed out her cheeks in displeasure.

"No! I simply have a friend in real estate who helped me get it, for your information." He laughed at her defensiveness.

"Okay, okay, I'm sorry."

"Hmph, you're lucky I'm a nice person. Normally you'd be in unforgiving territory." She frowned.

"I said I was sorry." She laughed a bit.

"I know, I forgive you. I just like making you sweat." She smiled at him and he returned her smile. She blushed at him as she jerked up and pulled him up to. "C-Come and look at your braids, they look great! Made by yours truly~"

"Oh, okay."

Nemuri watched him head over to the restroom to look at the childish braids she did in his hair.

L/N Y/N.

The only person who can make Midnight fluster.

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