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a/n: I thought this was hella cute---^

Harry has been in the hospital for a little over a month. Prom came and went. It's not like Harry was much of a dancer or partier but he would have liked to go. But he just couldn't. And even though he was never one of those people to be obsessed with prom and just needed to go because it was so important to him, he still couldn't help but feel a sense of loss when he didn't even have a choice to go or not. But when Zayn came to visit Harry the night of the prom with a singe red rose dressed in black dress pants and a white button up covered by a suit jacket and simple red tie as the finishing touch, Harry couldn't help but cry. And he cried as they danced to Stay by Sam Smith. And he might have let a tear or two slip as Zayn grabbed his face gently and kissed him ever so sweetly playing with the hairs on the back of his boyfriends neck. He smiled when Zayn told him he looked beautiful in scrubs and that he didn't need a nice suit to dance in but Zayn brought him one anyway because he knew Harry would have wanted it. Harry may have cried then too.

Zayn graduated and Harry did too but unfortunately he was unable to attend his own graduation so he just got the diploma instead. Harry was a little sad about that but he couldn't complain because at least he graduated. Plus he didn't want anyone to feel sorry for him. Especially Zayn.

The doctors just would not let him leave because they were really concerned for his health and he constantly needed to be supervised. Plus they wanted to run more test on Harry. They hopefully wanted to find something, anything that will prolong Harry's life. Or they were hoping that a miracle would happen and his body would start responding to the treatment. But so far no luck. This didn't exactly help with Zayn's faith. He was scared. He feared how long he would have with his love. But he didn't want to think about that. He just wanted Harry to enjoy his life and for him to enjoy Harry.

Zayn turns off the engine to his car before getting out grabbing a cup of vanilla venti Starbucks latte and a bag with two banana nut muffins inside. Harry told him yesterday about how he craved some banana muffins and a vanilla latte from Starbucks and Zayn being the wonderful boyfriend he is stopped by and bought his boyfriend what he wanted.

He walks into the hospital and nods at the lady at the front desk. It's sad to say but Zayn has come familiar with this place. So much that the women just nods at Zayn giving him a half smile, telling him to just go ahead without any hesitation. Zayn gives her a small smile back. As he rounds the corner he sees one of the nurses rolling his boyfriend out of his hospital room.

Harry looks up and his heart skips a beat as he sees his boyfriend looking at him confused with the Starbucks bag and cup in hand. He just smiles at him. He remembered.

"Hey..uh what going on?" Zayn ask slightly panicked because he doesn't know what they are about to do with Harry.

"Well they are done taking blood from me." Harry laughs, his dimple poking through. "And I get to go home. Please thank your dad for me." Harry smiles brightly as the nurse rolls him away to get him checked out. Des comes out of the room and Zayn looks at him still slightly confused. He's happy that Harry gets to go home but what does he mean by thanking his father. His hazel eyes catches Des'.

"What does he mean?" Zayn asks. Des half smiles.

"Your father has been trying to reach you." Des says. Zayn raises his eyebrow. The last time he talked to his father was over a months and a half ago when he asked his father for help. "He's going to pay for private home care." Des nods toward the direction his son was rolled in. He smiled at Zayn patted his shoulder before walking off.

At first Zayn couldn't process it. What his dad had done. He's done things like give him and his mum money and payed for things for them, but this, this was different. And even though he didn't do something directly for him it warmed his heart because for the first time it seems as if he's done something worth thanking for.


Zayn finds himself knocking on the door of the extremely large home. It was a gentle knock almost as if he didn't want to disturb. He takes a few steps back before the door opens.

Yaser was surprised to see his son on his front porch. And he was really shocked to see tears in his eyes. Zayn looked up at his father and he couldn't help but to cry. This has got to be the best thing that his dad has ever done for him. And it wasn't even for him. Yaser gives his son a small unsure smile. He doesn't know where to go from here so he does the only thing he can think of. He takes a few steps forward before he grabs Zayn and pulls him into a hug. And Zayn can't hold it anymore as he lets all the tears out crying on his father's shoulder.

"T-thank you." Zayn sniffs as he hugs his father tighter. "Thank y-you so much baba." Zayn cries out. Yaser's own eyes water when he hears his son say that because he hasn't heard it in so very long. He can feel his shirt getting wet but he doesn't care. He didn't realize how much he missed holding his son till now.

Zayn knows how much Harry hated being in that hospital. Though he didn't come right out and say as Harry was far to appreciative and grateful but he did leave little signs and Zayn could see right through them. Harry pretended like he didn't mind being there but in reality he couldn't wait to get out. So Zayn is happy because he wanted to get Harry out of there as he hated seeing him suffer but he just couldn't and that made Zayn feel awful even though it was no ones fault.

"I love you Zayn." Yaser whispers still hugging his son.

"I love you too baba." Zayn sniffs as he continues to cry on his dad's shoulder.

A/n: aye... Don't kill me. I was going to update I really was but I think I ate something bad and my stomach was hurting bad. I was ill and didn't feel well so I couldn't write. I am sorry for my weak stomach. Niall would be disappointed.

Pls forgive ily. 😊

But this was really cute and fluffy am I right or am I right? There's only one direction that answer can go. ( hehe I'm a clever girl aren't I)

Oh and unfortunately A Walk to Remember did not make it to the final rounds in the BROMANCE Awards but it's okay bc I was happy that I was even nominated in the first place. I'm really happy so thank you for that and you guys are bad ass ily. Keep doing you. I like that shit.


Ps. Did I mention that I love you. #Pride #LoveWins ✌🏾️

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