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"Oh my goodness, see this is what I love about early spring. Where them legs been hiding all winter?" Liam's says as he clutches his heart while staring at Sophia Smiths legs. They are all standing in the hallway. Zayn and Eleanor are leaning on the lockers, Louis is holding Liam back from attacking girls legs. Josh and Perrie are watching.

"Sophia? She's trashy" Eleanor says. They all laugh. "Well if it isn't the Virgin Mary." She jokes. Zayn looks up and see Harry walking in there direction. He almost says 'hi' but he stops himself before he does. He's in public and his friends are right here. He didn't like what Eleanor said about him but he can't do anything about that either.

Just keep walking and everything will be fine, Harry. Zayn thinks. But of course he doesn't just keep walking. Of course nothing will be fine. Zayn noticed that he doesn't have on his usual boots. He has on a pair of sandals.

"Hey Malik, so I'll see you after school?" Harry smiles at Zayn. He figures since he's been helping Zayn out and Zayns been coming to his house and they been getting along great than he'd at least earn a hello. Boy is Harry wrong.

"In you're dreams" Zayn smirks. But on the inside the words taste sour coming out his mouth. He hates that he had to do that to Harry. But he couldn't risk his reputation, especially not in front of his friends.

They begin to snicker. But Harry just nods his head. How wrong was he? He decides to just leave before Zayn can say anymore hurtful words. So he does, but Louis sticks his foot out sending Harry falling face first onto the floor. His cheeks turn red from embarrassment.

Zayn clutches his fist together. Louis did not have to do that. Zayn embarrassed him enough. Harry stands back up and glances at Zayn only to see him laughing. That hurt Harry probably more than the fall. He thought Zayn was his friend. But he sees now, that he is just like everyone else. He turns and begin to walk away again. "Hi." Liam's says "where's your boots."

When the others laughed Zayn laughed with them to not cause suspicion. But it was forced and it didn't feel right. Liam notices but doesn't say anything. The bell rings and they disperse.


Zayn pulls up to Harry's house. He looks at the house stopping the car. I hope he doesn't hate me. Zayn thinks. But it's Harry, of course he don't. Harry is too nice if a person. Zayn takes the key out and gets out of the car.

Harry is playing the piano when the doorbell rings. They aren't expecting any visitors but hey. Who doesn't love unexpected company?

"I'll get it." Harry tells Des. He get up and greets the door with a smile. He figures that he'll smile at their unexpected guess to be polite. Plus its usually just him and his dad. It's good to have other people around.

When he opens the door his smile drops immediately. What the hell is be doing here? Harry thinks. He has the nerve. So harry closes the door in Zayn Maliks face.

Zayn was shocked to say the least. He didn't really expect Harry to open the door, even if he does live here. But what shocked him was the cut on Harry's lip. He wants to know what happened to him.

Zayn groans. He knocks on the door. "c'mon Harry." He says "open the door, please." the door opens and Zayn takes a step back. Harry steps out onto the porch closing the door behind him.

"what do you want?" harry asks coldly. Zayn points to his lip.

"uh what happened?" Zayn ask.

"I bit my lip when I fell. Now answer my question. What do you want?" Harry folds his arm. He is surprisingly calm. Zayn feels bad. He knows Harry didn't just 'fall'. Zayn wonders why he didn't notice that when he 'fell'. Surely he was bleeding. His guess is that he was too busy shamefully avoiding eye contact with Harry to see it.

"You're not in a good mood." Zayn says.

"You don't miss a thing." Harry shakes his head smiling.

"Listen Harry, I was hoping we could run lines together." Zayn says his hands in his pockets. Harry nods his head slowly.

"Ok, but just not so anybody knows, right?" Harry's says.

"Well I figured we'd surprise everyone with how good I get." Zayn says nonchalant. Like it was not a big deal. Harry smiles brightly.

"Like we can be secret friends." Harry says excitedly.

"Exactly! Exactly! It's like you're reading my mind!"Zayn says. He was happy that Harry finally gets it. He knew Harry would understand.

"Um great" Harry says with a big dimpled smile on his face. "Maybe you could read mine" Harry says. He stops smiling and glares at Zayn. How dare he. How dare he tries to use him like that. How dare he not even apologize. How dare he treats Harry as if he doesn't have any feelings!

Zayn's smile disappeared from his face. Wow Harry must really be angry. The way he was looking at Zayn right now... If looks could kill. He'd be dead yesterday.

Harry turns back and heads into the house.

"Harry wait. Harry, I can't just be your friend." Zayn says. He has too much to lose.

"Look, Zayn I... I thought I saw something in you." Harry shakes his head disappointed looking down. "Something good." He then looks at Zayn. "But I was very wrong." Harry says and closes the door on Zayn for the second time that day.

Zayn is upset.


He's beyond upset. Why can't be just be friends with Harry.

Because he's a coward, that's why.

On top of that, now he doesn't have anyone to help him with the lines. He's going to officially suck. He turns around and heads off the porch. "Dammit!" Zayn swears loudly. What Zayn didn't know was that Des was standing behind the door, waiting for Zayn to leave.

He swings open the door and step out onto the porch. He shoots daggers at Zayn. Zayn looks at him and mutters a "sorry" before turning around and storming off. Man this day did not go as planned.


A Walk to Remember ~zarryWhere stories live. Discover now