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"Harry Styles. Oh me oh my look at Harry Styles." Liam says. Perrie, Liam, and Josh are walking down the school hall. The pictures that Perrie took at the play are in her hands and Liam and Josh are swooning over how hot Harry looked. Liam snatched one of the pictures and holds it up. "He was looking hot in that play." Liam says biting his lip. He remembers being asleep for most of it but when he woke up and saw Harry, his eyes nearly fell out. He has never seen someone go from not to hot in a blink of an eye. He wonders why Harry Styles is an exception. Josh groans. He does look hot.

"He does not look hot." Perrie says. She doesn't like the idea of the guys thinking Harry is hot because if they think so, wouldn't Zayn? And why does she feel like she's competing with a boy. Harry Styles at that. They stop walking while Liam and Josh are examining the pictures from the play.

"I don't know man." Liam shrugs tugging his bottom lip between his teeth.

"He did look hot. Yeah, I would have to say." Josh looked at the picture licking his lips.

"Wait.. Wait." Perrie says. "I have the best idea." She says with an evil grin that would put lucifer to shame.

Louis, Eleanor, Josh, Perrie, and Liam are all surrounded by Perrie's laptop. They are editing a picture of Harry on the computer. Perrie plans on printing out copies and handing them all over the school.

"Could you like do something and move that." Louis says pointing to the screen. Liam chuckles and Perrie does what he asks.

"Move it around and do a little something here." Liam says. When they are finished Perrie prints out about 500 copies.

Eleanor and Josh are standing outside and hands a flyer to everyone walking in the building. Most are taking the flyers laughing at it. Some are taking the flyers and throwing them away scoffing. Others are completely ignoring it.

Harry is walking through the hall looking at his feet, completely unaware of what's going on. Mostly because he has a lot on his mind. He has a doctor appointment today and he has to finish quite a bit of school work. He usually gets it done but with all his recent trips to the doctors he hasn't had time. So he's just walking a lot going through his mind.

"Hey Harry." Harry turns around to the voice. It's Perrie. She puts on a fake smile and walks over to him. Harry smiles back.

"Hi." Harry says softly a little weary.

"Listen I just wanted you to know that there are no hard feelings." She lies. Harry looks confused. "Zayn and I are way over." She says even though it taste bitter coming from her mouth but she smiles anyway. Harry is even more confused.

"I really don't know what you're talking about." His brows scrunch in confusion. He really doesn't. As far as Harry knows they aren't a couple. Not even friends. Yeah they kissed but they were barely friends. Besides he hasn't talked to Zayn since he bought him those shoes, which he is still a little shocked and confused as to why he did it. And besides he doesn't even like Zayn that way. He thinks.

"Harry." Perrie calls. He turns to face her. "You would be so hot if you knew how to do your hair." She said referring to his daily man bun. Harry knows that Perrie is known around school for her hairstyles and the different colors she dyes her hair with. Perrie is a cosmetology genius. So he didn't think anything of it when she grabbed his arm and ask if he wanted to sit with them.

"Ok." Harry grins.

"You want a tic tac?" Perrie offers trying to seem polite.

"No, thanks." Harry smiles.

When they walk in the cafeteria Perrie lets go of his arm and walks to the nearest table. Harry looks up from his feet. For some reason everyone is staring at him. He shrinks a little because he doesn't know what everyone is looking at. What could they possibly be looking at. 'Is there sometime on my face' he thinks. He rubs his face to be sure there is nothing on his hand. He notices that everyone is laughing and he's becoming nervous. Extremely nervous. What's so funny? He brushes a loose strand of hair behind his ear.

A Walk to Remember ~zarryWhere stories live. Discover now