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Zayn was sat on his back porch looking out at the lake. He was just about to get up and get ready to go see Harry until he sees none other than Perrie Edwards walking toward his house. He stands up and walks over to her as she walks up the stairs. He doesn't even know what to say to her. He doesn't even know why she's here. He looks at her questionably before he decides to speak.

"Uh.. Hey." he states stuffing his hands in his pocket. She gives him a small smile. Her blue eyes glancing at his honey ones.

"I meant to give you these." She clears her throat before handing over a yellow folder. Zayn reaches in an pulls out what looks to be as pictures. His brows scrunch in confusion. "They're.. Pictures from the play." She states. Zayn looks up at her cautiously her pink hair is in an ordinary pony tail and she doesn't have make up on. Which is surprising.

"Hey. I'm sorry about the flyers." She blurts. Her eyes travel to her feet ashamed. She feels so bad for what happened. She really does especially now that she knows about Harry. Poor Harry didn't deserve any of that. She wish she could go back and change what she did but she was so blinded by jealousy and anger. Now she can't even look Harry in the eyes without wanting to break down and beg for his forgiveness because Harry has been nothing but kind to her. And she just feels shitty.

"Hey it doesn't matter." Zayn says. Because it doesn't. Yeah his boyfriend was hurt. But they have bigger issues. Besides in a selfish way he was glad it happened because if it didn't, he quite possibly never could have proven himself to Harry. And he wouldn't have this incredible beautiful boyfriend to call his. Though he does wish that he could have won Harry's heart a different way so that he wouldn't have had to go through that. But that is in the past. And it almost seems like a lifetime ago considering the current situation.

"I guess you're with who you should be." Perrie smiles as she finally looks Zayn in the eyes. Perrie did love Zayn. She still does but Zayn isn't hers anymore. He's in love with someone else. And although she's not with him she still wants him to be happy. Because his happiness is her happiness even if it's not with her. Maybe one day she will find some one that will feel the same way about her as she does about Zayn. "It's like he chose you." She says. Zayn smiles at her words.

"Yeah and I don't even know know why." He says smiling down as he thinks about Harry. He will never understand how someone like Harry could love someone like him. But it happened and he couldn't be anymore grateful. Perrie's eyes tear up.

"I do." She lets out shakily. Suddenly she leans forward and hugs Zayn tightly before kissing him on the cheek and rushing back down the porch steps her hand covering her mouth as she tries very hard not to cry. Zayn is special. Though he might not see it Perrie does and she's sure Harry does too. Zayn stands there shocked. He never expected that. Not in a million years. He swallows the lump in his throat before he goes to sit back down and look through the pictures of the night that changed everything.

Harry wakes up to a humming noise. The light shining thorough the hospital window blinds him for a second but he recovers. He sees Zayn sitting at the table looking at some magazine humming a light tune. He looks absolutely bored and Harry can't help but smile, a small chuckle escaping his lips. Zayn looks up at the noise and sees his boyfriend looking at him smiling. He smiles back and stands up to walk to the bed.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" He asks Harry after kissing his lips softly. Harry grins at the raven head.

"I'm good. How are you?" Harry says his voice deeper and raspier from just waking up. Zayn smiles because only Harry would ask someone how they are when he's in the hospital himself.

"Grand, yeah." Zayn says. Harry runs his hand over Zayn's lip. Harry has this braid in his hair and Zayn thinks that it's quite adorable. He found out that Perrie came and apologized and of course Harry accepted it. During her visit she decided to do Harry's hair like she said once before. She didn't bring anything with her so she had to work with what she had which was Harry's hair and a pig tail holder. What came out of it were two slightly sloppy braids. She didn't even have a comb to part his hair with.

"I have something for you." Harry says as he reaches beside him to the stand. He opens the drawer and pulls out a book.

"You do?" Zayn asks rumbling his thumb on the back of Harry's hand.

"Mhm" Harry confirms handing the book to Zayn. Zayn eyes it skeptically. "Don't worry it's not a bible" Harry jokes his dimple poking out. Zayn laughs his eyes crinkling.

"It was my mums." Harry says. "It's got quoted from her favorite books and.. Quotes by famous people. Her thoughts." Harry finishes. He remembers when his mum gave him that book. It was right before she died. He loved to read so his mum thought it was a good idea to give this to him when he turned eight. Though at the time he didn't really understand it, he just knew it was important so he kept it. And on bad days he would read it to smile as he thought about his mum. Now he wanted to give it to Zayn so he could do the same.

"Okay." Zayn says. Let's check it out." He opens the book where a book mark was. he scans it until he finds a good one. "okay. What is a friend? It's a single sole dwelling in two bodies. Aristotle." Harry smiles turning the book to show Zayn another one.

"Mm, right here ." Harry points.

"Find out who you are.. And do it on purpose". Harry grins at him.

"That's Dolly Parton." Zayn says matter of factly.

"I always thought she was smart." Harry smiles brightly.

"Let's see." Zayn says as he flips through more pages. he takes a breathe before reading out loud.

"Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish.." Harry joins in with him and Zayn looks up at a closed eyed Harry. "It does not take offense and is not resentful." they finish together . Zayn closes the book and lays in the bed with Harry wrapping his arm around him. Harry smiles at Zayn's familiar scent.

"You know what I figured out today ?" Harry says.

"What?" Zayn smiles at him. Harry breathes out and bites on his lip.

"That maybe God.. Has a bigger plan for me... Than I have for myself." Zayn looks at Harry a small smile on his face. "Like this journey never ends. Like you were sent to me because I'm sick." Harry explains. Zayn brushes the loose hairs from Harry's face. "to help me through all of this." Zayn runs his thumb across Harry's cheek multiple times taking in all his beauty. Harry believe that Zayn was sent here for more than to be his boyfriend. He doesn't know how he could have taken this if Zayn wasn't here right now. He'd probably be miserable.

"You're my angel". Harry lights up when he says this and Zayn is touched. Because Harry just called him an angel, his angel. Him of all people. He's honestly glad that he makes Harry happy because Harry makes him happy too.

A/n: thank you to everyone who has voted for A Walk to Remember. I really appreciate it you beautiful fucking people. xo

P.s. Happy Fathers Day sons.
*in Nicki Minaj voice*


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