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A/n: the parts of the play are in italics.

Zayn is at home looking through the school yearbook. He didn't have anything to do and he was bored. This seems like a legit option. As he flips through the pages he thinking. About who.

Harry Styles.


He doesn't know.

One of the reasons he's looking through the year book is to get his mind off of him. But it doesn't seem to work. Especially since he just flipped to a page with Harry on it. He sits up and looks for a second at his picture and then reads his quote. It reads:

Harry Styles
Red Cross; Stars and Planets;
Drama Club

Ambition : To witness a miracle.

Zayn rolls his eyes and flips the page. Then he decides he just doesn't want to look at the book anymore and closes it all together.


"Do you know the answer?" Zayn ask Luis. It's Saturday and he's back tutoring. Luis shakes his head. "Yeah I know you don't." Zayn sighs.

Maybe you should try backing into it from somewhere else. Zayn hears Harry's words in his head.

He looks at the ball Luis is holding in his hand and then outside where the basketball hoop is. He gets an idea.


"Okay, its you, me and the basket. We form the three corners of a triangle." Zayn says pointing to the basket hoop and the two of them. "Now take a step towards the basket."

Luis takes one step and Zayn takes one with him."now am I at the same angle to you and the basket as I was before?"

Luis looks at him. "Yeah" he answers.

"Are you?"


"So what did we just make?" He asks Luis.

"A uh.. A similar triangle?" Luis says.

"Yes! Exactly." Zayn praises. "Okay now make me an isosceles." Luis moves to the left. "You got it!" Zayn high fives him. "Okay enough of this lets play some ball." Zayn says. Luis throws the ball to Zayn and smiles. They begin to play.

Little did Zayn know. A special green eyed angel was watching him. 'Looks like he took my advice after all.' Harry thinks and he smiles.


Weeks have passed. Zayn has continued to work extremely hard. Staying at home, instead of going out, to practice his lines. He has never done anything like this so it took him some getting used to and getting into character. He has gotten exceptionally better. As much as he tried to not think about Harry Styles, he couldn't help it. Especially since he saw Harry nearly everyday after school. Since Harry is also in the play they have to practice together along with the rest of the drama club.

They would talk but only when they are saying lines to each other. Zayn gave up trying to talk to Harry. Harry did not want to hear it. They would glance at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. Often Zayn would stare at Harry when Ms. Garber was showing him where to stand and how to move.

Harry felt that Zayn should apologize. He forgave him for dissing him in front of his friends because he believes in forgiveness. Zayn still hasn't said sorry yet. It upsets Harry that Zayn did not try harder. Why hadn't he tried harder. He had hoped that Zayn would prove everyone wrong. That he isn't this bad person who only cares about himself and could easily get into any girl or guys pants if he wanted. He wanted Zayn to prove him wrong as well. Because deep down Harry still believed in him.

A Walk to Remember ~zarryOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora