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Zayn gets out of the car and runs to the other side to help Harry out. Harry is perfectly capable, Zayn just wants to treat Harry the way he's always should have been treated. Harry grabs Zayn's hand and they walk to the school entrance together. Zayn started to pick Harry up from his house, just so they can spend more time together. They will be graduating soon and maybe go to different Uni's. So Zayn wanted to spend every second with Harry that he can.

Zayn looks up and sees his ex friends. His eyes catches Louis's and he pulls Harry closer out of instinct. He wants to protect Harry and wants him to feel safe with Zayn. Because he knows he hasn't always been the kindest person to Harry, but dammit he'll die trying to make it up to him. Louis rolls his eyes and pushes Eleanor off him in annoyance. He is so p issed at Zayn for doing what he did. He doesn't think he'll ever forgive him for it.

Zayn looks away from the group of people that used to be his friend and lead Harry into the school.

Des is at the stove frustratingly mixing his tea. He glances at his watch impatiently. Where is Harry? He should be here by now.

Harry and Zayn are idely chatting about nothing and everything. Zayn can't get the stupid grin off of his face. His eyes are sparkling as tells Harry about his recent art work. Harry is listening to Zayn because unknown to him Zayn is a major art fanatic. He never knew how much Zayn likes to draw. Which proves the point that you can't judge a book by its cover. Harry isn't really surprised seeing as when you get to know Zayn, his personality speaks art. And Zayn has taken him to his little hideaway and shown him countless pieces of his work. Zayn is just happy that he can show Harry because he's never shown anyone aside from his mom and Liam. Lou doesn't even know about it because it's kind of special and personal to him. Harry insisted that he should show the world his art because it's so beautiful and creative and full of talent.

They stop in front of Harry's house and Zayn leans into Harry for a goodbye kiss. As their lips connect they feel the tingling. Zayn tries to deepen it but he is cut off by the door opening and Des clearing his throat.

"Harry say goodnight to Mr. Malik." Des commands walking down the steps. Zayn steps back. "Zayn go home."He dismiss him. "The night's over." Harry rolls his eyes and Zayn lets out a sigh trying not to glare at Des. He turns to Harry.

"Goodnight, Haz." Harry's smiles smally.

"Goodnight, Zee."

"Goodnight, sir". Zayn looks at Des. He turns away leaving Des and Harry on the driveway. When Zayn is out of ear range Des turns to Harry. "Harry you're behavior is sinful." Harry's smile is wiped from his face. "Y-you're acting with that boy as if you're-"

"In love?" Harry interrupts. Des heart breaks. Harry can't be in love. He's too young to know what love is and for a second he's speechless.

"Harry you are a child."

Harry laughs lightly. He points to himself. "Dad? Look at me, I'm not a child."

"Then stop acting childish!"He shouts. Harry looks at his dad.

"I love him."

Des eyes widen. "Then be fair to him Harry. Before things get worse" He turns to head back in the house. Harry bites his lip in thought.
Harry hates that his dad is right.

Sooner or later he has to tell Zayn the truth.


Harry sets up his telescope just as Zayn is pulling up. He gets out of the car pulling out a bag with him. The sky's starry and the night is young. They are in the graveyard preparing for some planet watching.


"Hey." they greet each other with a kiss.

"So, uh. What did you tell your Dad?" Zayn asks as he sets up the blankets.

"I told him the truth. I just left you out of it." Harry told Des that he loves Zayn, but not that Zayn loves him. "so what do you want to see?" Harry asks.

"Hmmm." Zayn pretends to think about it. "Pluto." He smiles.

"Pluto's only rises a few minutes before the sun does." Harry laughs.

"Let's see. Zayn checks his bag. "Oh look there is a thermos of hot tea." He wiggles his eyebrows. "and a blanket." He pulls out the blanket.

"You planned this." Harry's eyes squint at Zayn a smile playing on his lips.

"Oh I hoped for it." He smirks. Did Zayn know that they were going to have to be out here all night to see Pluto? Of course. He wants all the time with Harry he can get. Harry smiles goofily shaking his head at his boyfriend.

"Are you trying to seduce me?" Harry asks.

"Depends. Are you seducable?" Zayn smirks playfully biting his lip. Harry smiles wide shaking his head. "that's what I thought, so I brought two blankets" He holds up two fingers. Harry just grins at him.

"Thank you." Zayn stands up and kisses Harry on the cheek. He nuzzles his head in his neck before he steps back again. While Harry is looking at the sky (he's pretty much got it mapped out in his head and knows where most of the constellations are and the planets) Zayn is reaching in his bag again. He has a very special gift for Harry and he figures now is as good as any to give it to him.

"Can you find this star right here." He points to the paper handing it to Harry.

"Sure, of course."He nods taking the paper. He looks at the map then the sky pinpointing the location. He adjust the telescope. "So... why am I looking for this star?

"Because I had it named for you." Zayn states casually. Harry looks up at Zayn mouth agape. Zayn holds up the certificate. "See? It's official." He laughs. Harry runs over to Zayn stumbling over his feet a little. His dimples are shown from grinning so widely. "It's from the International Star Registry." Zayn chuckles.

"This- I-i. This is amazing." Harry's says. And Zayn is happy because he's never made Harry speechless before. He always has something to say. Harry stares at the certificate a small smile on his face. He suddenly looks up at Zayn.

"I love you." Zayn is caught by surprise because Harry haven't actually said those magic words even when he said them a few weeks ago. His honey colored eyes go into a daze as he looks into Harry's emerald green ones. He leans forward and presses his lips to his. They move as one and he can't deny the sparks he feel every time they kiss. Zayn cups Harry's face and tries to pull him closer. Harry's arms go around Zayn's neck. Zayn puts his other hand on Harry's waist and grinds their hips together and Harry can feel Zayn's problem poking him and in turn making a problem for himself. When Zayn grabs Harry's bum that's when he puts an end to the heated make out section. Zayn scolds himself once he realizes what he's done.

"Sorry" he apologizes softly. Harry just pecks his lips.It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out Harry is a virgin. He's never had a boyfriend before and he is not a whore in anyway. Zayn respects his wishes to wait. Especially since he knows Harry has had no experience of any kind. He'll wait patiently till his Haz is ready. They sit down on the blanket that Zayn has set out for them. Harry is sat between Zayns legs while Zayns arms are around his waist holding him securely.

"So what's your number one?" Zayn asks referring to Harry's bucket list. Harry's thinks for a moment. He thinks Zayn has definitely earned his number one. He just named a star after him for Christ sakes.

He humns before speaking. "To marry in a church where my mum grew up. That's where my parents were married." He turns sideways to look at Zayn. Zayn smiles at Harry. One day. He thinks. I could give you your number one. He presses his lips to Harry's then to Harry's head. And they wait till the sun rises.

A/n: I'm so sorry that this is taking so long for me to update. Like it's been 53253112 days and I'm sorry again. I don't really have an excuse except I've been busy with finals and crap but pls forgive me.


A Walk to Remember ~zarryWhere stories live. Discover now