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A/n: I want to dedicate this chapter to katy_5845 and LeleCool for being such wonderful spirits and making my day with you're comments and votes. You are dearly appreciated. 😄😊 :)))))

"Zayn Malik is coming over here." Des says to Harry. Harry is making some tea right now in the kitchen, having a conversation with his father."That boy's careless, he's dangerous. He's the worse kind of boy." He states angrily. He doesn't like the idea of a boy, let alone, Zayn Malik, spending time with his little angel. He doesn't want Harry hurt.

"Dad, what about forgiveness?" Harry asks. He wants to give Zayn a chance. He knows Zayn only show people what he wants them to see and not who he truly is. He wants his father to give Zayn a chance as well. Then maybe he'll see that he's not that bad. " I thought we had discussed that I was going to be able to decide how I wanted to spend my time and.. My life." Harry states as he puts some herbs in the tea and mixing it. Des looks to Harry. A frown on his face.

"Well it's him I don't trust." He states "not you." As if on cue, the bell rings. Harry perks up. He stops what he's doing. And heads to the front door. When he opens it, he isn't surprised to find Zayn standing there with his hands in his pocket.

"Uh.. Hey." He states smiling a little.

"Hi." Harry smiles.

"So you're gonna keep me waiting out here all afternoon or what?" Zayn jokes. Harry laughs. Zayn is nice for once. Maybe things are really turning around.

"C'mon in" Harry states and moves out the way for Zayn to come through. Zayn looks around once he's inside. "My script is in my room, so I'll be back right back." Harry says heading up the stairs. "Make yourself at home."

"Ok." Zayn says. "Not likely" he states when he's gone. Once Harry's up stairs, Zayn begins snooping. What does a Reverend's home look like? He wonders. He walks through the living room and looks at the pictures on the wall. He spots a picture with a man, a woman, and a little boy. He recognizes the man as Pastor and the little boy as Harry. The woman is unfamiliar. Zayn immediately connects that as Harry's mom. He knows Pastors wife passed years ago, but he doesn't know why? He was too young to remember.

Zayn turns around and looks to the other wall. He notices a little statue sitting on a cabinet. He gets closer and recognizes it as the face of Jesus when he's on the cross. But it's just his head.

"Well that is one scary, ugly.. JESUS!" He turns around and Reverend Des is standing behind him, scaring him.

"No." Des states "I'm Harry's father." He says glaring at Zayn. Zayn is speechless, mouth open. "Hello, Mr. Malik. I understand you managed to win the lead in the school play." He nods his head. "Congratulations."

"Listen thanks for letting me come over and run lines with Harry." Zayn says politely.

"I didn't let you." Des assures.

"Oh" is all that Zayn says. Well then.

"It's a school night." He says " listen let's get one thing straight Mr. Malik." He steps to Zayn. "You think that, on Sundays, that I do see you from where I stand." On the contrary Zayn knows that he does. He's always looking to Zayn to see if he'll cause trouble. Zayns not dense. But he won't tell him that.

Zayn just holds it together because here he goes again. Judging him. He hasn't even done anything.


"But I see you." Des turns. " I'll be in my office just here." He points to the room right next to the living room. He wants Zayn to know that he'll be watching him. He does not trust him with his Harry. Zayn watches but doesn't say anything.

A Walk to Remember ~zarryWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu