13.0 date pt 2

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"Where are we going?"Harry asks Zayn. He is smiling brightly his dimple poking out and his eyes a glowing green. They are in Zayns car speeding down the street. Zayn turns to Harry a smile on his face.

"Just hold on. You'll see." He says. Harry just can't stop smiling. He likes surprises. He thinks they are fun and exciting. He parks just short of Bradford's town line. Zayn opens his door and runs around to the other side to Harry's door. He catches the door as Harry opens it and holds the door for Harry. Zayn is grinning like a fool and Harry is smiling because Zayn is smiling. And it's so beautiful. Zayn doesn't even close the the door before he's pulling Harry from the car and to the town line. "Cmon, c'mon, c'mon."He rushes Harry. Harry is laughing and running with Zayn. "Let's go."

"What are we doing?"harry laughs.

"Run" is all that Zayn says. Harry stumbles over his feet a few times before they make it to the line. They reach the town line and Zayn stops running. "Okay. Now put one foot here." He points to one side of the line. Harry puts his right foot on one side. "And put the other foot there." Zayn points to the other side. Harry puts his left foot on the other side.

"Okay" Harry smiles at Zayn. He ruffles his hair out if his face before he speaks. "You're acting like a crazy person. What's going on?" he asks. Zayn can't stop smiling in turn making Harry smile.

"Okay so right now you're straddling the town line." Zayn states, his stupid grin still on his face.

"..okay.."Harry says slowly. Zayn points to the sign behind them that reads Welcome to Shipley.

"You're in two places at once. " Zayn speaks softly. Harry looks at him, than at the sign and back at a grinning smug Zayn. He remembers telling Zayn that that was on his list of things to do. A smile slowly grows on Harry's face into the biggest grin ever. He burst into laughter and runs to hug Zayn. Zayn lifts him and spin. Their laughter mixing into a beautiful chorus.


In the car Zayn has soft music playing. He reaches into his bag and pulls out multiple temporary tattoos. The ones where you only need water to get them. "Okay butterfly, rosebud, or star" he points to the temps. Harry just shrugs his shoulders.

"You choose." He says. Zayn points to one.

"Butterfly" He smiles. "Okay where do you want it."Harry looks at his body trying to figure out where to choose. He finally picks and decides to do his shoulder where his back and arm meet. He points to it and Zayn nods his head. Harry pulls down his shirt to expose his arm and shoulder. Zayn turns to look at Harry and his breath hitches. The moon light is hitting Harry perfectly. His green eyes glowing and his curly brown hair shining. His skin a milky smooth color. And he just wants to lick every part of his body. But he refrains himself. Instead he just gulps and places the tattoo on his shoulder. He takes a napkin and dips it in the already prepared cup of water. He dabs it on his shoulder and presses down softly onto it. About thirty seconds pass before he lifts it up and he thanks whoever is listening that it turned out right. Zayn leans forward and blows really softly on the tattoo to dry it. His face mere inches from Harry's. He looks up at Harry and Harry looks at him their eyes connecting as he blows to dry the tattoo. Harry smiles softly and Zayn smiles back. Another thing crossed off of his list.

After the tattoo, they sit and talk for a while before Zayn decides to go to the dock. Now they are walking hand in hand next to each other by the lake. (A/n: idk if there even is a lake in Bradford) The stars are shining out and to Harry it feels like they are out just for them. For him and Zayn. It's beautiful and Harry finds himself wishing they can stay here forever. In this quiet paradise.

"How can you see something like this, have moments like this and not believe?" Harry asks Zayn. He finds it hard to not believe in anything when there are moments like this and stars that shine so bright just for them. Zayn is a little taken off guard by this.

"Ho- how can you be so sure? Zayn asks. Harry let's go of Zayn's hand and walks in front of him. He rests his hands on the wooden rail of the dock and closes his eyes. He tries to figure out how to explain this to Zayn. As if on cue the wind blows and gives him an idea.

"It's like the wind." Harry's says softly smiling. "I can't see it, but I can feel it." He feels that there is more so much more and even if it's not, he'd rather have any hope than none at all because if he didn't have hope, then what would he have to cling onto. Especially in the bad times.

"What do you feel?" Zayn asks curiously. Harry let's out a breathe. "I feel wonder and beauty and joy...love." Harry turns to face Zayn. "I mean it's, a little of everything." Zayn looks at Harry's eyes and then his lips. Zayn never believed in anything. He never really thought about it even though his mom forced him to church nearly every Sunday. But for the first time. The very first time he thinks that he could. He could believe in something. "I might kiss you."Harry freezes.

"I might be bad at it." Harry says.

"That's not possible."Zayn says taking a step toward Harry. He grabs Harry's face in his hands gently. He moves closer to Harry till a piece of paper can't even fit between them. Harry closes his eyes, waiting for Zayn to press his lips to his. And he does. The kiss is gentle and sweet. The lips mold together like they were made for each other. Zayn brushes a few stray hairs out of Harry's face and pulls him closer. Eventually they pull away to breathe. And Zayn speaks the first thing that comes to his mind. "Harry. "Zayn says cupping his hand under his jaw. "I think I love you." Harry's eyes widen. "No. I know I love you." Harry's mouth parts. He continues to stare at Zayn not saying anything. "now would be the time to say something." He chuckles nervously.

"I told you not to fall in love with me" he whispers. Zayn kisses Harry again. Harry lets out a sigh. What Zayn didn't know is what he got himself into.

A/N: Sorry that this is taking so long to update but I've been kinda busy and I wasn't able to write. But there was a Zarry kiss. Who hoo!

A Walk to Remember ~zarryUnde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum