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Zayn stuffed his hands in his pocket as he walked in the living room. He sees his mum sitting on the couch with a book in her hands, glasses perched on her face reading. He stops in front of her and she looks up at her son once she gets to a good part of the book to stop. Zayn rocks on his heals waiting patiently. He's a little nervous for what he's about to ask but he needs to learn. He has to.

When she looks up he speaks. "Mum... Uhm.. Can you do me a favor?" He questions biting on his bottom lip. She nods her head.

"Of course sweetly. Anything." She says.

"Can you.. Teach me how to dance?" He asks quickly. Tricia knows Zayn doesn't dance. In fact she knows he hates it. But here he is requesting her to teach him how. She would have never thought. This is when she realizes that her son is actually in love. She already kind of knew but she didn't want to put too much thought into it and then end up being wrong. But this. This one simple quest just confirmed that her little boy, well he's not- so little anymore but, her little boy is in love so she nods her head with a bright smile much like Zayn's.

So they slow danced and danced. Practiced and practiced. With some dedication and attentiveness and a pair of sore feet on Tricia's part, a lot of apologizing on Zayn's part , he was starting to get the hang of it. He was learning to danced.

And Harry was excited and happy because he knows Zayn doesn't like dancing very much by yet here he is showing Harry new dance moves. Harry thought it was rather cute how Zayn would spin him. He would pull him to him and hold him close making him feel safe while he whispered how beautiful he is in his ear. Harry would blush and smile like a doofus his dimples peeking out. Zayn would dip Harry occasionally and Harry would throw his head back and let the moment sink in. After discovering that Zayn got lessons from his mum Harry pulled Zayn to him and kissed him deeply. Zayn was a little caught off guard but he didn't hesitate to kiss his boyfriend back. His hands placed on Harry's waist as he deepened it. And Harry smiled into the kiss because Zayn is amazing.

He has always known Zayn is good and he was happy that Zayn proved everyone wrong. Zayn is a good person and Harry feels so lucky to have him. When they finished dancing Zayn took Harry to the lake and that sat on the dock. They talked and talked about anything and everything. Harry's head was laid on Zayn's shoulder while Zayn's arm is wrapped around Harry protectively and he slowly started to drift to sleep. Zayn looked at Harry and noticed his closed eyes. He places a kiss to his forehead, bringing his hand up to his hair to run his fingers through it softly. Harry hums in satisfaction. Zayn smiles down at Harry and he just wants to sit here forever as he holds his boyfriend and watching the sun set.

Zayn decided to build a telescope. And not just any telescope. A very special one, where you can see rare commits and better constellations. And of course, he's doing this all for Harry. He's in the graveyard taking out the supplies when he sees a very familiar truck pulls up. He lets out a huff before standing up and watching as Louis gets out of the truck. He folds his arms, his jaw clinching as he watches Louis walk over to him. Louis has a tooth pick on his mouth and his blue eyes looks over Zayn. Blue meets hazel and Louis decides to speak after clearing his throat.

"So.. Uh.. I talked to Liam." Louis says taking the pick out his mouth and throwing it to the ground. Zayn raises an eyebrow unfolding his arms and placing them in his pocket. "I'm sorry." Louis whispers softly. Zayn almost didn't hear him and he wasn't sure if he did but Louis spoke again clearing his throat. "You need some help with this stuff?" Zayn knows that Louis is not a sentimental guy. The fact that he even showed up and apologized, even if it was barely an apology, shows that Louis meant it. He rarely ever apologizes even if he's wrong. So this meant something to Zayn. Besides he's grown up with this lad. He can't not forget him and even though they have their differences they will always be friends. So Zayn nods his head and he lets Louis help him pack up his things after he mumbles a "sure".

And even though Louis doesn't show it. He's happy because he actually missed Zayn. And even though he called Zayn a "chicken s hit" and told him that they were threw he didn't mean it. He will never admit it but he loves Zayn like a brother he was just very pissed at him and now he can't believe that he's let something so stupid come between them.

Zayn wants this to be perfect. It has to be perfect because Harry is perfect. He's only been working on the telescope for a few days. Taking measurements and ordering supplies. He's been quite busy. But he doesn't mind. It's for his baby.

Harry wakes up from the sound of a saw cutting. He closes his eyes again because the light is a bit bright. He squints before opening his eyes fully. The noise is still there. It's a bit annoying and he wants to know what it is. He looks over at his clock and it reads 1:27pm. His eyes widen because he normally doesn't sleep this long. But he's been extremely tired lately and he doesn't know why. He gets plenty of sleep.

He sits up and he wants to lay back down because he just suddenly got dizzy. He closes his eyes and waits for the dizziness to fade. When it does he stands and walks over to the window. When he looks out he sees Zayn working on something and from the looks of it, it's a telescope he thinks. A smile creeps on his face. But it's wiped right off because suddenly he doesn't feel so good.

"Harry, what's that lad doing in the yard?" He hears his dad's voice. He turns around and sees his dad walking into his room. Harry looks at him blankly. His breathing picks up and the room is spinning. "Harry? Harry what's the matter?" A concerned and confused Des asks. Harry's eyes rolled back and the last thing he feels is his fathers arms before he blacks out.


A Walk to Remember ~zarryWhere stories live. Discover now