31. Something Stupid

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Bill Tomas and Jordan Carter were in the watchtower again. Watch duty was their favorite assignment at Sector 25 High Security Prison. It meant they got to sit around and chat all day.

Jordan was a quiet guy who hadn't had much of a life before the war began. Then he'd lost his family to pneumonia and had to enlist for the Operative Program to survive in the state of C3. On the other hand, Bill was the kind of guy who couldn't go two seconds without talking about something.

"So it was about these two friends who are stuck in a dungeon." Bill's favourite subject of discussion was pre-war television shows. "The first guy–he is a big talker. The other is just a quiet, shy guy."

"Mmhmm." Jordan nodded as he gazed over the giant floodlight, looking down at vast empty road with no other buildings in the vicinity.

"What they both have in common is that none of 'em have much going for them. Plus, their captors crippled them so they can't even plan on breaking out," Bill said. "So, they aren't really afraid of death either. And they don't mind spending the rest of their lives in the dungeon. Just quietly rotting away together."

"That's sad."

"Yeah, but here's the twist! When they both start to talk to each other, they have fun. Even in the dungeon. Even with both their legs broken. And that was the entire mini-series. Just two people talking."

"Sounds boring, Bill," Jordan said. "How could someone enjoy that life?"

"That's what it was about, Jord," Bill said. "Life. You live long enough you get used to pretty much anything. And heck, you even start to have fun after a point."

Jordan just nodded, idly rubbing the muzzle of his automatic assault rifle. He eyed the tall electric poles with lifeless wires weaving back and forth. He remembered a distant memory of birds perched on these lines. It felt like a dream now.

Then he said to his friend: "I love watch duty, Bill. This operative business is very boring. Hardly anything happens. And Sector 25 is pretty much like the rest of C3. Most of it is hollow as a corpse. Sitting here and just hearing you talk is really the best thing about my life. Thanks for sticking with me."

Bill paused. Even though this wasn't the first time Jordan had gone on an emotional tirade like this, Bill still hadn't gotten used to expecting it. So he just said, "Y-Your welcome, Jord."

Jordan smiled at his friend and just nodded.

Neither of them were really paying attention to the armored truck that was approaching the prison.


Garth Perkins was in his late forties and had a bad back. The condition should've taken him off his job as a senior warden, but the fact that Sector 25 HSP didn't get a lot of action helped him keep trucking along just fine. His days were so dull he might've been sorting letters at a post office for all he knew.

Garth was at the water cooler in the cafeteria when another fellow guard and operative slapped him on the back. It was the new recruit, Hal.

"Guess what?" Hal said, oozing with excitement. "I'm gonna propose to Macie."

Garth was first struck by surprise and then with sheer joy. He turned to the rest of the cafeteria and clapped his hands loudly, getting the attention of the other operatives. "Oi, listen everyone! Our boy Hal is finally gonna propose to his sweetheart, Macie! Cheers!"

"Cheers!" The operatives burst into applause.

Hal blushed, smiling sheepishly at the old man

"Hey, stop getting bashful! It's a big day!" Garth nudged the boy before leaning in close. "Now let's get down to business. Did you get her a ring?"

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