32. Sometimes losing is winning

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The previous evening.

"Fear is our greatest weapon in tomorrow's raid on the prison," Erik said as they stood around the big dining table in the kitchen. Lisa, Germaine and Cathy gazed down at the layout of the prison he'd spread on the table. "It's not our special grade truck nor our guns. It's the fear we strike in the hearts of the enemy."

Cathy nodded, following each of his words with an almost reverent attention.

"There are at least seventy operatives guarding the prison," Erik said. "Six of them are stationed in the watchtowers. Four of them are gonna be in the control room, monitoring everything."

"How many floors does the prison have again?" Cathy asked.

"Five," Germaine said.

"Four of those floors are the holding cells." Erik said. "The remaining floor has the library, the kitchen, the staff cafeteria and the control room."

"Control room has the master access to all the holding cells, right?" Lisa asked.


"So we get to the control room and push some buttons, we free our friends?" Cathy said.

"Yes," Germaine said.

"And the armory is on the ground floor right here." Erik pointed at a spot on the map.

"So when you and Cathy will free the inmates, you'll lead them to the armory, right?" Lisa asked.

Erik nodded. "Around a hundred and fifty armed inmates against seventy operatives. It's not just the advantage of numbers. It's the advantage of fear. We get the master access to the jail cells and we are almost done with our mission."

"Sounds like a plan." Cathy nodded.

"So let's go over everything once again," Erik said.

"Wait, before that," Germaine leaned in. "I just wanted to remind everyone that this is purely a rescue mission." She glanced at every face in the room. "Let's keep the casualties to a minimum. I don't want this to be a repeat of the riots."

Everyone just nodded quietly.

Then Erik clapped once to get everyone's attention again. "Now here's a recap for y'all."


"Okay!" Garth Perkins said. "I'll do what you say. Just don't hurt Hal. Here, have the key to the control room."

"Not so fast, grandpa." Erik shook his head. "You think we don't know what you are playing at here? You'll just throw that card at us and the six other operatives in the hallway will charge in with their loaded guns. Hold that card for me and stand where you are. Don't even lift a finger." He nodded at Cathy.

She pointed her gun at Garth while Erik yanked Hal by his hair, tugging him back on his feet.

Cathy stepped forward with her gun still trained on Garth. Erik trailed her with his hostage. She pulled out her handgun and grabbed old man Garth by his neck and pressed the gun barrel against his head. She yanked him further into the cafeteria. "Tell your friends in the hallway to throw their weapons."

Garth swallowed hard.

Cathy tilted her helmet-clad head. "I'm not your granddaughter, old man. I'm not here to play with you." She dug the muzzle into his temple.

Garth was sweating profusely under his gas mask but he nodded. "Everyone throw your weapons." He called out to the operatives.

"And don't you dare play any tricks on us!" Cathy yelled. "Just remember our artillery outside. You won't know what blasted you to the high heavens."

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