19. The Forgotten World (Part 2)

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Marie woke up when she heard a knocking on the basket of the firetruck. "Rise and shine, everyone," a woman hollered. "We're home. Time to take a walk."

The sky had turned dark by the time they hit the brakes. The Harrises rose to their feet and gazed out at the lady who'd awoken them. She had short black hair and tawny skin. Yet, even in the darkness what stood out the most was what she was wearing. A pressed dress shirt, a pair of sharkskin trousers, leather loafers and a waistcoat that was unbuttoned, giving a casual air to her otherwise officious attire. And her easy smile just emphasized that aspect of her. "I'm gonna leave the firetruck out here. Cuz I don't wanna run it all dry of fuel. Also, I have to drop some deliveries so I hope you won't mind a bit of a stroll?" There was a playful lilt to her accent that sounded both foreign and welcoming.

"Sure we don't mind!" Marie said quickly before Clint could answer.

"I thought you didn't trust these people," he whispered to his wife.

"Yeah, and this is the perfect time to get to know them." Marie whispered back.

Clint rolled his eyes.

Brendan threw a small ladder down over the basket for them to get off the firetruck.

"The name's Germaine," the woman said with a courteous bow. "Isn't it funny that we practically met about nine hours ago yet now is the time when we actually get to the introductions?" She laughed an infectious laugh.

Marie noticed that Zack was smiling up to the lady as if he already liked her.

"Amusing indeed." Clint nodded. "I'm Clint Harris. This is Marie, my wife. And that little gentleman is Zack, my son."

"Nice to meet y'all." She nodded back at them, her smile comfortably resting on her lips as she regarded the family.

"Um, so what were you gonna deliver?" Marie asked.

"Oh, just a few smiles." Germaine winked.

That's when Brendan unloaded three heavy boxes from the passenger seat of the firetruck. He stacked them on a push trolley and pulled out a scrap of paper from his pocket. "The first stop is Haldane's place," he said after glancing at the note.

Germaine clapped her hands twice. "Let's roll!"


The neon sign at the center of the town square was luminous with the name: Mathesdale.

That's when Marie realized that Brendan had been telling the truth. This place was indeed in the process of becoming an actual city again. Still quite far from it but it was certainly on its way. For one, the streetlamps were working. The roads weren't dark. There were also lights in the windows of the buildings. And there was no sign of the infected. She saw solar panels over all the inhabited roofs and the streetlights. That's where these people had been getting their electricity from.

Mathesdale, Marie thought, it's a name. Not a number. It sounded like the name of a city. And why not? This was probably what it used to be called before Wartime Unrest was declared. Before the bio-weapons were unleashed. Before the death-breath spread. Before the instant-install decontamination units became an essential appliance in each house. This was like a grainy picture of the past. Or maybe a look into a more hopeful future.

"The Haldane's place is just down that road." Germaine pointed ahead as she and Brendan led the Harrises through the square.

"Mom...I can hear...people talking and laughing in their houses..." Zack whispered. "I-I hadn't heard that in a long time."

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