33. Starlight

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~ Five years later ~

"And that's how mommy destroyed the bad guys and saved the world." Stella declared, kissing the twins and good night.

"Tell it again, mommy!" Jaime Begged he loved her stories, especially her magical ones.

"OK, maybe one more time because it's so fun to tell." Stella Agreed. "Once upon time there was a big mean woman that thought she deserved my crown, and I look so good in it-"

"You do." Jaime agreed. 

"Ohh my baby!" Stella cooed. "This is why you are my favorite, dont tell your siblings." She whispered peppering his face with kisses. 

"Mummy!" Cersei objected. 

"Oh you didnt hear that. I dont have favorites." Stella assured snuggling her close. "I love all my babies so much." 

"Tell the story!" Jaime instructed. 

"Right right, she was evil, so evil. She and her evil husband whom your daddy both bravely and stupidly, went against my orders to stay put and stay safe- but he did good and only got a little bit hurt so I suppose its okay-"

"All right enough murderous stories before bedtime." aegon cut in, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"But those are their favorite kinds." Stella objected seriously. 

"Alright you two time for bed," aegon corrected. "I love you and I love you" he said, kissing their forehead and blowing out the candlelight. "And off to your beds you two." Jaime jumped off Cersei's bed and climbed in his own across the room. "You all settled in Jaime?" He nodded as Stella tucked him in.  "Love you two." Aegon made sure he said it constantly. He never got this sort of love from his own parents so he knew that when he married for love he had to give this love, the love he wanted to his own children. 

"And mommy loves you both more!" stella added loudly.

"Draco got his story he's just waiting for a good night Kiss." Aegon remarked as they walked hand-in-hand. The people stopped bowed and curtsied to them as they passed their king and queen, their rightful rulers. Their true heirs. 

No one dared stand against them not after what Stella had done to dragonstone, not after what she had done to blood and cheese the men that had attacked, not after everything they had been through. They saw Stellas power and knew that someone that powerful needed to be ruling, she could protect them from any possible threats that came their way. No one would stand them not ever again.

Alicent was so grateful that she listened to her father and Viserys and agreed for Stella to marry Aegon. If she had married someone else, if she had been pulled from Aegon, Alicent knew that it could have just as easily been the capital turning to ash instead of Dragonstone, instead of the enemy. Alicent valued Stella not only for protecting them all but for being a good wife, a good mother and a good queen. Something that Alicent could never truly be. Stella was the trinity. Alicent wished they had gotten off on the right foot sooner. But they had forever to form a bond between them. Thanks to Stella's actions they had forever. 

Aemond although there was no war, he was still going to hold up his side of the bargain with the Baratheons. But luckily for him the girl he had chosen died of a mysterious virus before they were ever wed and he asked his mother if he could marry Helaena instead. Alicent agreed to let her children marry for love and Aemond had always taken great care of Helaena through the years. 

Daeron had stopped flirting with Stella finally, just in time to start flirting with her cover. Daeron was a little stud, of course he was. 

And Stella and Aegon, they were perfect. 

"And when do I get my good night kiss?" Stella leaning into Aegon.  Her vision was haze of starlight as euphoria set in his lips consuming hers as she pulled his hips into her.

"Right now starlight."

Starlight // Aegon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now