22. Never Did

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Draco slipped right out and stella was back to normal in less than a week it seemed.

One baby is nothing after having twins stella assured. She didn't like the fact that she looked like a washed up whale. And once again, she didn't like that babies were so disgusting. She wanted to be the mother that said her child was the most beautiful thing right out of her legs but babies were still gross. Slimy little beings that screamed and shit and slept. They didn't do anything. Of course, she loved her babies. She loved them so much. They were half her and half her wonderful husband.

She cradled her little Draco close, kissing his little head.  She loved him. All the pain all the suffering was worth it, but now she was really done.

When asked about the name that she chose it wasn't very Targaryen. Stella had a perfect explanation.

In mythology Draco represented the dragon that guarded the golden apples of the Hesperides. The dragon in the sky.

Stella knew the moment she saw her little man that she wanted to name him after the star that brought them together. Stella had taken Aegon out in the sweet darkness and he was her little star... it made perfect sense.


'You see the stars?'' Stella had asked.


''Do you know about the dragon constellation?'' Stella asked

''If I say yes will you think I'm really smart?'' Aegon asked.

''Give me an answer and find out,'' stella countered.

''Yes.'' Aegon said confidently.

''Then I would ask you to tell me about it.'' Stella countered.

''What?' Aegon said completely thrown off.

''Tell me about the dragon constellation.'' Stella instructed him.

''You first?'' Aegon asked hopefully. Stella chuckled as his grip on her hand tightened a bit as he leaned into her. ''Alright.'' Aegon stared back up at the sky. ''Well, the dragon constellation...'' he stalled as he thought then an idea came to him. ''The dragon constellation,'' he declared confidently ''is about a young dragon that fell in love with a lion.'' Aegon declared. ''She was far away at casterly rock-" stella smirked glancing over at him "-so he flew into the sky to keep an eye on her.''

''What did the young dragon do when he was scared of the dark?'' Stella mused

''Well... he remembered that the lion told him you need the dark so you can see the stars and when he looked at her either from the ground or from the sky he wasn't scared because she was a light.''

''Aegon,'' Stella chuckled. ''Thats so sweet.''

''Was I right?'' Aegon offered as she looked to him.

''Better than the real story.''


It seemed like a million years ago. To think about it, Stella didnt really like him back then. She didnt know when things changed but she loved Aegon and couldnt imagine life without him. Or their three amazing children.

"You need to stop." Mallory remarked coming in on Aegon and Stella curled up on the couch, Draco in Aegon's arms, Stella's head in Aegon's lap. 

"Stop what? Being adorable. I dont think I can."  Stella corrected. 

"You could. But thats not what I mean. My mother is a pain in the ass. You - YOU-" Mallory sat beside them with a flop. "-Need to stop having babies and being the perfect daughter-"

"You want to trade mothers?" Stella pondered. "I would agree to that." 

"Gross your mother is awful." Mallory corrected. 

"Hi Mallory, bye Mallory." Aegon begged. 

"Honestly I dont want a husband. Daeron is proving my point." Mallory went on. 

"Oh he has a type." Stella agreed. 

"He is cute but he is a kid. I dont want a little brother." Mallory remarked. 

"Very Targaryen to fuck your brother." Aegon countered. "Get out." 

"And do your children have to be so perfect?" Mallory took draco from Aegon, Draco immediately made a face of panic and Mallory passed him back quickly. "I'm not a baby person. But... they are like... okay I guess. Everyone else says they are perfect, I'm taking their word for it." 

"They are perfect but babies are weird." Stella assured. Aegon yawned out. 

"Goodnight Mallory." 

"I mean when you set your sites on Aegon, I thought why? But not I get it and I just dont want that with anyone." Mallory went on. 

"You know I'm right." Otto whispered. 

"Of course you are right." Alicent agreed. "I just... stella is very vocal with her needs and wants for the crown one day. She doesnt like to take direction, she gives direction. She has a flock."

"She calls them her coven.' Criston interrupted. 

"Like witches." Alicent scoffed. 

"They are a unique group of women." Otto agreed. "She is creating her future small council. Her master of whispers, her master of war, her master of... she is going to unite the realms. She chose her ladies correctly, you didnt." Otto realized. 

"You can't blame me." ALicent corrected. "I was a child-"

"She was as young as you and she has more initiative." 

"She wasnt forced to marry an old man." Alicent seethed. "She got to marry a boy she loved. There is a difference, if you can't see it then I dont know what to say."

"She is going to be queen, she will help us win this ultimate war." Otto realized. "While you have been what?"

Alicent didnt know what to say to that. 

"If you love Stella so much, go on ahead and replace me now." Alicent finally said. "She is better at this than I am." alicent admitted. "because she wants to be queen, I never did."

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