28. Get My Crown

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"Stella." Alicent hesitated staring back at her. 

"They are gone. I thought you would want to know." 

"Thank you..."

"What happened after we left?"

"Nothing important."

"Yet there is something on your mind. Is the king alright?" Stella questioned. 

"Yes he... he..."

"What did he do?" Stella demanded thinking the worst. 

"He named Aegon his heir." 

"What?" Stella rasped a smile curving her face. 

"Dont say anything just yet. I want to tell Aegon in the morning."

"Yeah right." Stella countered prancing off. 

Aegon was pacing when she got to their chambers, she stopped and her smile fell. She wasnt happy the king was probably nearly dead, she was just happy that aegon would be king and she would be queen. It would be any day now. 

"What's wrong?" Stella questioned. 

"I feel like a failure. Thats how mother looks at me." Aegon remarked. 

"I think you are wonderful." Stella assured. 

"Did you hear her at supper?"

"Ignore your mother, I do." Stella offered. 

"She thinks I'm irresponsible." 

"You are very responsible." Stella countered. "You want me to burn her? I'm getting very good at controlled burns." Stella offered wiggling her fingers before him. 

"I love you." 

"I love you" She echoed kissing him. "Aegon, you need not worry what anyone else thinks but me and the kids." Stella remarked. "We are all that matters. Say it with me, honey."

"You are all that matters." Aegon agreed. 

"If your mother thinks bad things about you, well fuck her. You are amazing. If your father doesnt love you enough because he is dying, fuck him. But he does love you. He wants you to be king..."


"I..." Stella kissed him again. "I mean if I were him, I would be thinking after todays display that you are the right man for the position. Rhaenyra and Daemon on the throne. Today was just... one example of how Daemon would rule."

"I suppose you are right." Aegon agreed. 

"What if tomorrow we go for a ride, you and I. Let Lou and Mal tend to the kids."

"And what about tonight?" Aegon questioned relaxing into her. 

"Another ride." Stella agreed pulling at his belt.


Alicent went at once to the king's bedchamber, accompanied by Ser Criston. Once they had confirmed that Viserys was dead, Her Grace ordered his room sealed and placed under guard. The serving man who had found the king's body was taken into custody, to make certain he did not spread the tale. Ser Criston returned to White Sword Tower and sent his brothers of the Kingsguard to summon the members of the king's small council. It was the hour of the owl.

''What is it that could not have waited an hour? Was Dorne invaded?" Tyland mused as they gathered around the council table.

''The King is dead.'' Otto told them all. Alicent sat at the kings seat silently. Tears in her eyes her hands clasped on the table. ''We grieve for Viserys the Peaceful... our sovereign... our friend. But he has left us a gift.'' Otto went on calmly. ''With his last breath, he impressed upon the Queen his final wish: that his son, Aegon... should succeed him as Lord of the Seven Kingdoms." 

"Try knocking!" Stella demanded pulling the blankets around herself as Otto came in.  He sighed heavily looking to Aegon beneath his wife. "OUT!" Stella demanded. 

Otto nodded turning around and putting a guard on their door.

"What was that about?" Aegon grumbled. Stella pulled on her robe moving to the door. 

"You and Aegon have been requested to stay put." 

"Move it Barnes." Stella demanded.

"I'm sorry my lady but-" She reached out her hand burning hot, he flinched back moving from the door. "The king is dead." He rasped out.  Stella stared back at him. "Aegon is to be-"

"Then block the door from people trying to get in. I'm not harm to him." Stella hissed. "I need my babies." she marched off grabbing Draco and holding him close. "Daddy is going to be king." 

 '"Viserys amended his wishes. It's as simple as that." Otto sat on the iron throne. ''You once swore your banners to Rhaenyra. You must now pledge them to the future king." Otto instructed the great houses of westeros.

''I must confer first with my house on this matter.''

''You'll not leave this room without declaring your intention.'' Otto corrected.

''I am no oath breaker... I will not bend the knee.'' Otto huffed out a breath.

''Anyone else?'' Otto countered.

" House Fell... keeps its sworn oath to the Princess." Lord Fell declared.

''Very well'' Otto agreed nodding to the knight, those faithful to Rhaenyra were escorted out. Everyone else fell to their knees.

''Long live the King.''

'' Long live the King.' They echoed. 

Stella stared back at otto. He stared locking eyes on her waiting for her to make some grand speech, she liked to be the center of attention but she let him play king for the hour until Aegon was crowned himself. 

Viserys was wrapped, his face and body covered in fine cloth, his crown placed upon his stomach. Alicent wept over him, when Stella found her. 

"It was his last words." Stella realized. 

"Yes." Alicent agreed. Stella nodded. 

"He did love Aegon." 

"He did." Alicent agreed. "Or maybe it was you getting in his head for years." 

"Win, win either way." Stella assured. "You loved him." 

"Not as a wife should love her husband but yes." Alicent agreed. "I told care of him much like I took care of his grandfather when I was a but a young girl... if you will excuse me I have another issue to deal with."

"Being queen... its the hard stuff you had to deal with," Stella countered as Alicent headed to the door. "You didnt get to do any of the fun stuff." 

"What is fun about being queen?" Alicent countered. 

"I will let you tomorrow when I get my crown." 

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