24. Kissing Fish

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I Can do it with a broken heart/ Joffrey Baratheon / Rieka Stark out now!

Stella and Aegon woke tangled in each other when Draco cried out. She looked up only to see Jaime climbing into his brothers crib. Draco giggled smiling up at Jaime.

"I got you." Jaime assured. "No cry. I'm here."

Stella closed her eyes falling back asleep beside aegon it wasnt until Cersei came in screaming that she woke up.

"What's wrong!" Aegon jumped up falling out of bed.

"Jaime, and Jaime, Jaime," Cersei whimpered out.

"SHe's looking for Jaime." Stella realized calming down.

"Jaime?" Cersei whimpered.

"Hi Sissy." Jaime waved from the crib and Cersei marched over grabbing the bars.

"I look for you!" Cersei scolded. Stella chuckled as Aegon sat back down.

"I thought she was dying." Aegon whispered.

"She just loves her brother." Stella said watching them.

"You here, mister? No bed, no note?" Cersei annunciated every word. "You missing!"

"Sorry." Jaime shrugged pulling himself back over the bars. Draco looked between them as they hugged and he tried to pull himself up but failed. He shook the crib bars pouting back at them. Before a wail escaped his lips.

"No cry, no, no." Cersei waggled a finger at Draco. "Jaime mine."

"MAAAA!" Draco demanded. Stella got up moving to them, bare feet padding on the cold ground, she scooped up Draco and he quickly wiggled out of her arms and hugged his siblings. Cersei wasnt one to share, much like her mother.

"What about a boat ride today?" Aegon suggested peering outside. "Looks beautiful out."

"I get dressed!" Cersei agreed running off before running back and grabbing Jaimes hand and pulling him with her. "No hiding from me." she instructed.

The waters were calm and the fish were active. Draco sat in stellas lap giggling as the fish jumped up splashing him. Aegon showed Jaime how to hold the fishing pole while cersei leaned over the edge watching the sea life swim by beneath them.

"Oh I caught one." Aegon remarked. Cersei got up turning around. Jaime clapped out.

Aegon pulled up the fish and Cersei squealed, Stella thought she was scared until Cersei ran - wobbling on the boat- towards the fish.

"You want to touch it?" Aegon questioned. Cersei nodded extending her arms. Aegon held it by the mouth and Cersei grabbed it, slimy thing that it was but she didnt seem phased. Cersei held the fish close.

"I got you, I got you. It's okay. It's okay." She assured.

"Okay honey, its time to let him go." Stella suggested. Cersei shook her head.

"It's okay, fishy, fish. You are safe now." Cersei corrected. Stella smiled back at Aegon as Cersei pet the fish.

"I keep him?" Cersei questioned.

"I dont know about that honey, he has a family." Stella corrected and what the hell would they do with a pet fish besides eat it?

"I his family." Cersei corrected.

"Are you a fish?" Aegon questioned.

"I wish she would have slipped out." Stella murmured.

"Mama a fish!" Cersei declared.

"Its a big fish. Daddy did good." Stella agreed.  Aegon leaned over kissing her cheek. Stella smiled into him.

"Its okay fishy. Its okay. I love you. Its okay..." cersei assured. He didnt flop much in her arms. She talked down into his open mouth as he froze in her arms it seemed.

"Hes gotta go back into the water..." aegon reminded her.

"Nooo," cersei corrected.

"Icky." Draco shook his head.

"I love him!" Cersei demanded.

"I smell of fish. The children need a bath. Lou can you have someone get that ready?" Stella questioned.

"You went fishing?" Speedy questioned. "On purpose?"

"Yes and Cersei fell in love with a fish and it took us longer to convince her to let the fish go than it did to catch it." Stella agreed.

"Interesting. Oh queen wanted to see you when you got back and old man otto." Speedy added.

"Ahh," stella sighed passing off the children. "Lou can you-"

"Bath time!"' Lou declared. "Draco first and while he gets a bath you two can work on your numbers and letters!"

"Dont make them soo smart while im gone." Stella mused.

"Is it just me or is criston kind of a babe?" Speedy questioned.

"You have snow under your nose." Stella countered. "Its the drugs talking."

"I work better when i have something in my system." Speedy countered.

"Do you?" Stella mused. "Its not just you." Stella added as she passed criston. He opened the door for her. Speedy leaned up against the door frame smiling back at criston.

"How you doing?" Speedy questioned.

"Lets make this quick i reek of fish." Stella commanded.

"We were talking of sucession today." Otto remarked.

"I love that for Aegon." Stella agreed. 

"You know the order of succession." Alicent countered.

"Viserys, Aegon, Jaime..." stella agreed.

"Rhaenyra-" alicent corrected. Stella pursed her lips.

"No. " stella objected quickly. Rhaenyra was not in part of her succession. Not at all.

"Stella you know-"

"Tell me realistically-" otto cut in. "The succession as viserys saw it... please."

"Argh," stella groaned. "Rhaenyra, Lord strongs one two and three. Then Aegon the fake, viserys the kiss ass and then finally the real man of power. My aegon." Stella declared. Aegon the fake and viserys the kiss ass. Rhaenyra had twin boys. Lucky her. What a cunt move naming him after aegon. The brother she hates with a passion already had that name and viserys? Really? Total kiss ass for a woman that has not seen her father in years. "Then jaime and cersei and draco. Helaena would be next if we all perished. Then aemond and daeron and... yep thats everyone." Stella agreed. "But the problem with that succession is that rhaenyra doesnt deserve the crown." Otto smiled proudly as he looked to his daughter. 

"You see Alicent?" Otto questioned.

"I see that lady stella has an interesting way of seeing things." Alicent offered. Stella strut towards her.

"I see the truth. You are ignorant as your husband if you think rhaenyra will ever be queen."

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