2. Stella Induced Trance

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"Aegon... Aegon... AEGON!" Aemond declared waving a hand in front of his face. Aegon was staring across the library at Stella Lannister. His elbow propped up on the table, his chin in his hand, his gaze glued to Stella. Aemond followed his gaze across the room. "She doesn't like you." Aemond remarked and Aegon snapped out of his Stella induced trance.

"Says you!" Aegon spat back.

"Yeah, says me." Aemond agreed. "Stella Lannister doesnt like you. She's bossy and mean, she doesn't like anyone."

"She is not!" Aegon declared, personally offended at Aemond's declarations. "She is perfect and wonderful and-"

"Coming this way." Aemond murmured.

"Boys." Stella said as she sat down across from them.

"Hi Stella." Aegon said happily. Aemond sniggered a laugh.

"Aegon... Almond." Stella said looking between them.

"Aemond." Aemond hissed.

"That's what I said." Stella said innocently. "So," she looked to Aegon. "I'm bored and already brilliant." Stella began and Aegon nodded along. "I say we get out of here.'' Aegon jumped up moving around the table to offer her his arm. "Such the gentleman." Stella mused standing up.

"You can't leave." Aemond told them.

"Why not?" Aegon countered. "As Stella said, she is bored and already brilliant." Stella loved a good obedient man. Less training and more fun that way. Stella kissed Aegon's cheek as she led him out.

"We are not done!" Aemond called after them. "The septa-"

"Fuck the septa!" Aegon called back to him. "I'm sorry," Aegon began as he held the door open for Stella. "That was-"

"Hot." Stella finished for him. Aegon stared back at her as his lips went dry. That smile she gave him, Stella could have said lets rob the iron bank, let's steal the largest dragon, let's run away to Essos and Aegon would have agreed in an instant.

"Come on."

Come on. Stella was always leading Aegon places after their first adventure. She never told him where she was bringing him and he never asked again, because he trusted Stella Lannister.

"Aemond where is your brother?" The septa asked looking around. Aemond kept his eyes down in his book. He was the good son, he studied the hardest, trained harder and yet it was Aegon that got all the love. All the praise and of course the girl.

"Stella." Tyland said catching her blonde waves running down the hall with Aegon.

"Hello Uncle Tyland!" Stella called back not stopping.

"Arent you supposed to-" Tyland began.

"I'm right where I need to be." Stella countered. "Love ya, if anyone asks, you didn't see me!" Tyland held back a groan.

Stella was trouble. She was sweet when she wanted to be, loved with her whole heart if she let you in but Tyland knew of her illuminating abilities. He worried if Aegon knew and told his parents that Stella would be branded a witch.

"Be-" Tyland began but she was already gone, he heard the door slam closed behind them. "-careful." He murmured.

"Actually, Stella." Aegon said giving her hand a tug and stopping her. "Can I show you something I've been working on?" Stella considered it a moment.

"Alright." Stella agreed as he led her to his chambers. Stella rose a curious brow as he opened the door, waving a dramatic hand for her to enter. She stepped in looking around. He kicked some clothes under the dresser and tried to tidy up, he really should have thought about this before he invited her in.

"Close your eyes." Aegon said putting a hand over her eyes.

"Why?" Stella asked pulling at his hand.

"Please." Aegon begged.

"I do love it when they beg." Stella mused. "alright, I'm giving you to the count of ten." Stella informed him and he pulled his hand away. Her eyes remained closed. "One."

Aegon quickly threw the blankets on the bed, trying to make it look presentable.


Picked up the clothes, they were falling out his arms as he looked around for a spot to put them.


He debated throwing them out the window before throwing them in the wardrobe. He slammed it shut at she spoke again.


Where was it? Aegon spun around his room, he heard her say, five and six, and seven. Shit, it was in the wardrobe, why would he put it there? He pulled it free knocking the clothes out in the process before shoving them back in as she said eight. He pulled a book out, to make him look more smart and did a final spin as she said nine and opened her eyes before saying ten. She stared back at him.

"I have a perfect memory. Eidetic actually." Stella informed him and Aegon stared back at her. "Eidetic is the ability to recall an image from memory with high, high precision." Stella told him as she took a step closer. Aegon sucked in a breath as his eyes drifted around his sort of clean room. "I'm kidding." Stella told him with a chuckle. "Wouldn't that be cool though?" Aegon could breathe again.

"Don't do that!" Aegon declared.

"What's that?" Stella asked and he forgot he was holding his strings.

"An instrument." Aegon told her.

"I know that. I meant why do you have it? Are you going to play me a song!" Stella exclaimed happily as she sat down on his bed.

"Yes." He was going to try.

"Impress me!" Stella declared.

Aegon looked from her to the strings and suddenly forgot how to play. His brain turned to mush as he looked at her leaning back on his bed, that smile that he loved so much covering her face.

"Impress me and I might let you kiss me." Stella offered. Aegon snapped out of his Stella trance and nodded eagerly as he took a seat next to her. He strummed a few strings but it was hard to concentrate with her this close, the sweet smell of vanilla wafted to his nose as she leaned closer, he felt her hair tickle his arm as his eyes looked up from shaky fingers to her golden eyes.

"Kiss me and I might impress you." Aegon countered knowing he couldnt play for her now. He would make a fool of himself so he thought it best to be brave, or at least pretend to be. Stella smiled wrapping a hand around the back of his neck and pulling him closer. So she kissed him again, long and hard and his hand snaked around her waist keeping her to him.

Stella liked confident Aegon. She liked Aegon with an instrument as well. She liked everything about him but she really liked that he loved her.

 She liked everything about him but she really liked that he loved her

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I think you all know by now Aegon is always replaced by Tom Felton. ^
And Im going to tell you why.
1. Look at him! Gorgeous through the ages. 🥰
2. Draco means dragon in latin! 🐉
3. I'm a slytherin and most of my OCs are as well. 🐍

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