23. Babysitting Aegon

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"Daeron is here."

Stella did a slow spin.

"Is he transparent?" Stella countered.

"I can hear his sass from a mile away." Mallory corrected

"Are you sure it isnt you own ?" Aegon countered.

"Control you man Stell." Mallory instructed. "Stella! Where are you going! Im not babysitting aegon right now."

"As if I need a babysitter i have kids." Aegon scoffed turning around and hitting his head on a low hanging post. Mallory didnt even try to hide her laughter.

"Im Jaime and I like to poke things with a stick."

"Just like his father." Stella agreed. "You must be the new set of wannabe knights. Aegon!" She shouted back. "We need new blood in the capital. The older generation is dying and loyal to all the wrong people. Where do your loyalties lie Ser?"

"With the king and queen."

"And then who?"

"The... kings heir?"

"Which heir?" Stella interrogated

"I dont understand."

"Its simple really. The witch on dragonstone on viserys firstborn son." Stella corrected picking up jaime. The knight stared blatently at her cleavage. Aegon punched him in the face. He stumbled back nose bleeding.

"Careful boy thats my wife." Aegon warned.

"Hello Otto." 

"Stella."  he answered. 

"You approve?"

"I didnt say anything." Otto corrected. 

"Your eyes speak volumes grandsire." Stella corrected. 

"I see a lot of myself in you." Otto remarked honestly. 

"You are a smart and foolish man." Stella answered. "I bet you wish you were more like me." 

"Foolish?" Otto countered. 

"What is stella talking to your grandsire about?" Alicent questioned. 

"I dont know, things." Aegon answered shoveling some stew into his mouth. Jaime copied him. 

"I dont like when they get together." Alicent murmured. 

"You dont like anything." Aegon countered. Alicent stared back at him speechlessly. 

"Thats not true." SHe stumbled out. 

"What do you like mother?" 

"I..." Alicent pursed her lips rooting her hands on her hips. 

"I'm waiting." Aegon agreed. 

"Have you spoken to the king about your... ideas for the future?" Otto pondered. 

"Why would I? He loves me." Stella answered. Otto chuckled. 

"He loves his firstborn... daughter." 

"He has remained ignorant for years and I'm fine with that. He is king and can do as he likes but when he dies, he doesnt get to choose to be ignorant. The rest of the world has already seen the truth. We already know. We wont let whores like Rhaenyra sit the throne and monsters like Daemon turn westeros into a war zone." 

"What will you do if a war comes?" Otto pondered. 

"I'm Stella Targaryen now. I will meet them with fire and blood." She assured. Otto liked the darkness in her eyes. 

"Then you best get back to training." 

"ARGH!" Stella groaned out. "Training is no fun." she corrected. 

"If you want to make such claims of fire and blood you best be ready when they come for you and your children." 

"I will be ready." Stella agreed. 

"Excuse me mother, you keep standing there with your mouth hanging open debating the meaning of your life and what makes you happy while I go rescue the light of my life from grandfather." Aegon decided heading off 

"He is my son and I love him. He is my son and I shouldnt kill him. He is my son... He is my blood... God that little fucker." Alicent griped. 

"Bring me the prisoners Ser Criston."  Stella commanded. 

"My lady?"

Stella rolled her eyes. 

"Did I stutter?" Stella strut towards him. "Get the prisoners. Clear the courtyard. I'm getting fiery." 

"Yes my lady." Criston agreed heading off. 

"Training? I didnt even have to weasel you into it." Aegon remarked. 

"Your father was in treatment again today, I just want to be ready when the time comes." Stella offered. 

"What time?" Aegon questioned but Cersei whined out reaching for him. 

"Dont worry darling. I will handle everything. Best to leave it all to me." Stella kissed his cheek as Cersei giggled out, Aegon tickling her stomach. 

Stella knew that Otto was right but her friends were the ones that were going to train her. 

Ladies in waiting they were called but Stella thought that term was silly and her ladies were not conventional. 

A lady-in-waiting was a woman of noble birth who serves a female monarch as a member of the royal household. Stella wasnt officially a monarch but make no mistake she would be queen. 

 The lady-in-waiting role dates back centuries and every queen or princess in a royal family typically has one or two, or three or in stellas case many. The lady in waiting acts as a personal assistant to the queen or princess but Stella thought of them more as companions. Her friends. Her coven. 

Aislynn was a bastard, right there she wouldnt be deemed the typical lady in waiting material but considering Stella's coven wasnt typical, she didnt care. She wanted a group of women she could trust in a world that was filled with liars and cheats and people wanting to get to the top and trample on others. 

"Come on rip 'em apart!" Daya declared. 

"Or, we just focus on one part of their body, target practice... or we use real targets! Why are you aiming at people?" Lou begged. 

"because they are going to die anyways." Speedy offered. 

Stella smiled back at her friends. They were going to need a lot of work before they were all ready for the taken down of Rhaenyra Targaryen. But Stella knew she had to be the one to do it when the time came.  Aegon was fragile, he had a soft heart and she wanted to protect that. 

She didnt mind getting her hands dirty for love.

Starlight // Aegon TargaryenOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora