17. Flawless

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"Mallory was trying to get out of a union." Stella remarked.

"Who?" Aegon countered. "Shit am I supposed to know who mallory is? I'm so sorry!"

"Just my cousin, don't worry once she tricks uncle into doing her bidding she will come for a visit, she was at the wedding wooing knights." Stella offered putting the quill down.

It was all fun and games until she was delivering a letter back to her cousin and realized she was late. How late was she? She didnt keep track of these things they just came perfectly without fail. She ran to the mirror and stripped. 

She was getting fat. Her world was coming to an end. She redressed and flattened down her dress. It was the mirror. She needed a new mirror. She checked herself in every mirror. nope she was getting fat. 

"You hungry Stella I brought you favorite-"

"I'm never eating again!" Stella corrected. 

"Whats wrong? What happened? Did Aegon-"

"I'm getting fat!" Stella cried out. Her uncle Tyland chuckled. "do not laugh at me in my time of crisis." she commanded, pointing a perfectly manicured finger in his direction. "I am a newly married woman. I'm supposed to be thin and flawless or else he won't want me anymore. And I'll look at me look at me." she demanded putting her hands on her stomach. " my dresses are tight."

" you know that prince aegon would love you if you gained 50 pounds. He doesn't love you for your figure." Tyland assured her. Stella nodded in agreement. Aegon loyal to her. And he didn't seem to notice the weight gain. " but my darling niece I don't think that it's just weight gain."

" else could it be? We've been spending too much time in bed and not enough time walking or swimming or flying. And now I'm getting fat!" she whined.

" I think you might be pregnant," he answered, and Stella paled.

" but I had a terrible mother," she corrected. " What if I make the same mistakes as her what if my child magical like me? What if the capitals no place to raise a baby?" questions spiraled through her mind.

"What do you have on your mind? Because you are the only thing on mine wifey." Aegon purred and Stella chuckled leaning into him.

"I have a few things on my mind." She admitted. "Like... clothes and babies and... cribs-"


"And weight gain and possible-"

"Stella what are you saying?"

"Im pregnant. Or getting fat. Honestly neither are great."

"We are going to be parents." Aegon corrected. "Honey we are going to be parents!" 

"I'm going to get so fat!" She sobbed out. Aegon hugged her chuckling as she sobbed. "I'm going to be a whale!"

"You are going to be carrying life inside you."

"And then I push to push life out of me. Gods! Why are women punished so much!"

"We are having a baby!" 

"Stop saying that I'm not going to stop crying!" 

Once stella got over the fact that she was having a baby and getting 'fat' was a part of that she cooled down and reminded herself she was young and could bounce back unlike Rhaenyra who ate more and sweets after each of her pregnancies and was still whale like in Stella's book. Nope. Stella was going to look perfect once again. 

She was going to be a mother that did it all. Nope. She was a mother that was going to delegate onto others the shit work. Yep that sounded better already. 

"Speedy." Stella tsked. Aegon peered over her shoulder.

"You got a pregnancy care package of... smokes and ale?" Aegon questioned lifting a bottle from the crate.

"My friend Speedy, she has a sick sense of humor. my body is a temple. I dont smoke like her."

"Hate to waste it..." Aegon countered lifting a little pipe. He gave it a whiff. "What is this?"

"Strong stuff no doubt, she has been high since we met." Stella half mused.

"And this one?"

"No doubt from Lou with a plan on how to step the nursery and sleep schedule."

"Does she have children?"

"She wishes." Stella countered. "Mallory kept messing up her unions."


"By convincing her that men are awful and will cheat on her and ruin her." Stella offered.

"Not me." Aegon corrected.

"Never you." Stell agreed kissing him gently. "Oh its from Daya. Oh thats so cute! I didnt know she took up needlepoint- and theres a bit of blood on it." Stella snapped her fingers and a maid came running. "Try your best to get this blood from my future childs new blanket." Stella commanded.

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