25. Reality

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"Look i will handle it like i handle all lifes problems," Speedy assured "ignore it until it goes away!" Alicent debated that. Not a bad solution. Ignoring rhaenyra was working great. But it didnt mean rhaenyra had gone away.

"Stop flirting with men you have no interest in pursuing and they will stop being so in love with you speedy." Lou countered. "Save some men for the rest of us!"

"You are too controlling lou. Men dont want marriage. They want fun, care free. Relaxed!" Speedy countered

"Why cant men like organized and structured and..."

"Tightly wound?" Aegon suggested. Lou stomped her foot down much like a toddler that was mad.

"Stella!" Lou whined. Aemond chuckled.

"Its funny how everyone knows your wife in charge." Aemond remarked.

"You know it too Almond," aegon added.

"Yeah but my future wife will know who the boss is." Aemond countered. Mallory laughed out and aemonds smug smile disappeared.

"You honestly think any woman is going to listen to you? Think you in charge? You like women like stella. You wouldnt admit it of course but If you are ever going to be happy you should know right away that you are not in charge in the relationship."

"I dont like women like stella. Women like stella and you for that matter drive me insane." Aemond corrected.

"Dagger dagger almond," stella tsked trilling perfectly manicured fingers over her chest as she passed. Aemond tensed. Aegon noticed. A laugh filled him.

"You are scared of stella." Aegon realized

"I am not." He huffed. Stella spun around to face them. Firelight sparked from her fingers.

"You should be." She purred.

"Arm up!"

"Up!" Jaime repeated.

"Make sure our son doesnt get his arm chopped off by daerons training." Stella added as cersei chased after stella.

"Daeron! Careful hes a baby!" Aegon shouted marching over.

"I dont know! What else am i supposed to do with him?" Daeron countered.

"I big kid!" Jaime objected.

"Mama and i would be really sad if uncle daeron the dork hurt you." Aegon countered.

"Uncle daeron the dork." Jaime giggled out.

"Wow thanks. I love that nickname." Daeron drawled.

"Better than almond," aemond countered gruffly.

"Better than Almond." Daeron agreed.

"You feeling better?"

"Im not dying anymore. I mean over time we are all dying but at this present moment in time im completely fine." Aegon agreed.

"You had a coughing fit. I wouldnt call it an emergency." Stella agreed.

"Felt like it." Aegon countered.

"You better now?"


"Good because if you were dying i would be very sad and have to marry your brother which would be awful."

"Why would you marry my brother?" Aegon demanded suddenly furious at this hypothetical situation

"Because thats how life works. You marry one brother. He dies. You move onto the next. Succession and all that." Stella mused.

"If i die you are not allowed to marry Aemond."

"Why would I marry Almond? Daeron is the one that worships me." Stella countered smugly. "Come on." She grabbed his hand pulling him along.

"Dont say shit like that."

"So dont die and we dont have to figure out if i would marry your brother or not." Stella agreed.

"Not the answer is not." Argon corrected. "Wait where are the kids?"

"With your brother. Draco called him daddy today in preparation-" aegon picked her up spinning her around. Laughter filled the air.

"You are lucky i love you."


Stella liked that aegon and her didnt need words. She liked that they still took walks into the dark and he trusted her to guide them to the ledge. Stellas hand held tight to aegon as they walked. His breath hot on her neck every time he leaned in to kiss her.

Falling in love feels like exactly this. You're falling. And it's out of your control and there's nothing you can do to stop it and you're scared and you're at peace and you want to laugh and cry and you want to reach for a lifeline but you're pretty sure falling is the lifeline. You know nothing will ever be the same. And you're just praying the other person feels the same way. You're praying they're going to take your heart and tuck it safely into their chest. Because that's where it belongs now and forever.

Aegon was brought back to that falling in love feeling every time stella brought him to the secret cove all their own under the stars. He remembered that night of falling in love.

"Thanks for babysitting father." Stella answered. Silva liked that she started calling him father.

Aegon leaned forward not bothering to move from behind her, which caused his solid abs to brush against her as he took her fathers hand in a firm handshake.

"Yes thank you, we needed that." Aegon Agreed before leaned back, broad hands gripping Stellas hips.

"Anytime. They are wonderful." Silva assured.

"They really are." Aegon agreed. "Are they asleep?"

"Sound asleep." Silva agreed

"Wonderful!" Aegon agreed pulling stella along.

"Night!" Stella called back to him.

Settling in that night aegon couldnt sleep.  He just stared back at his perfect stella. You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is better than your dreams. He loved his reality. He loved his life he loved his family and he really loved stella.

Starlight // Aegon TargaryenWhere stories live. Discover now