26. Whack Almond Down a Peg

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Stella rolled over in bed, knocking Aegon off in the process. He was already hanging off the bed half of himself dangling over the edge the other half laying limp beside her when she shifted he so easily fell and startled them both awake.

"Aegon?" Stella murmured.

"Ow." he answered rubbed at his jaw.

"You okay?"

"Sure." Aegon mumbled pulling himself off the floor. Stella nodded closing her eyes when Draco whined out.

"Your turn."

"I don't think so." Aegon countered.

"But you are already up." Stella reasoned. "Just do it you know I'm going to win." Aegon grumbled as he headed to Draco.

"Hey little dragon." Aegon whispered picking him up. Draco smiled giggling right away. "You little liar, you were fine."

"He's needy like his daddy." Stella corrected.

When stella got up to tend to the children Aegon went back to bed. Jaime and Cersei were playing so nicely together, they doted on each other. Stella scooped Jaime up and threw him in the air, he laughed and laughed and laughed. Draco pouted up at them but Cersei, like the good sister that she was marched over to her little brother and pat his head.

"It's okay, it's okay." Cersei assured. "No cry." Dracos pout deepened but then he was laughing as Cersei continued to pat his head. Stella loved being a mother, her uncle was right. Even though she had a bad mother, bad female role models all around that didnt mean she would repeat the pattern. She loved her children more than anything. Stella loved that Aegon was a great father and a great husband. She knew he would be. 

''Get up.... Aegon!" Alicent shouted. ''Get up!''

'' Mother? What is it?'' Aegon hissed rolling over his head in the pillow his ass hanging out.

"What is it? What is it? What is it?" That's all you can say for yourself?'' Alicent hissed. "I told you I wanted you up and at ready, that they were coming and yet you are laying in bed. I wanted to show the people you would be a good leader but no I can't trust you to get up without assistance." Alicent spat.

"What are you on about?" Aegon groaned.

"Rhaenyra and daemon are here. The petition, I wanted you on your best behavior, I need you to-"

"Mother!" Aegon groaned.

"Are you drunk?"

"Stella and I had a bit of fun last night." Aegon remarked. "Is that so wrong that I actually love my wife?"

" How can you keep carrying on like this, you are a grown man Aegon act like it." Alicent corrected.

"Tell me what I did this time besides have a good night, pure and fun and innocent with my wife before the baby woke us up." Aegon countered.

"I expected you to be sober, especially on a day like today.'' Alicent countered

''Why? What is it today?'' Aegon asked pulling on his pants.

''You are no son of mine." Alicent hissed marching around the room

''I did not ask for this. I've done everything you've asked me to, and I try so... I try so hard, but it will never be enough for you or father.'' Aegon called after her as Alicent stormed out

"Uncle Almond is training, yes... so handsome his opponent is." Stella added smiling back at Criston.

"I go too?" Jaime questioned holding tight to Stellas hand.

"And fight? Train? Oh my love not just yet, but when you do daddy will train you." Stella assured. "He is the best of the best."

"Is he?" Aemond countered.

"Yes, he is." Stella agreed. "He is the best in all things. Bedroom included."

"Well you havent been with me" Aemond challenged.

"And I never will almond." Stella agreed. "What are you waiting for? We came to see a fight, FIGHT!"

"Fight!" Cersei agreed. Stella chuckled giving her hand a squeeze. 

"The little princess demands it." Stella added. 

''See? I told you this would still be here." Jace picked up a sword, one of the old swords from when they were training as children.

''And you thought you could swing Criston's morning star.'' Luke countered.

''And you almost took your own head off.'' Jace counted. ''What's your problem?''

''Everyone's staring at us.'' Luke told him as his eyes shifted around ''No one would question me being heir to Driftmark... if... if I looked more like Ser Laenor Velaryon than Ser Harwin Strong.'' Luke hissed

''It doesn't matter what they think.'' Luke reminded him, they heard a crowd cheering and a not so distant grunting they ran forward to get a better look as the crowd gasped. Aemonds sword whooshed through the air.

"Come on Criston you wouldnt whack Almond down a peg? He already has a big enough head." Stella reminded him.

"Thanks Stella." Aemond countered. Criston chuckled looking between them.

"Well done, my Prince. You'll be winning tourneys in no time." Criston assured. "Boost his ego if need be its okay." He added. Aemond smiled as the crowd applauded him. Stella was not impressed but she rarely was with him.

''I don't give a shit about tourneys." Aemond remarked then he saw Jace and Luke staring at him ''Nephews... have you come to train?'' Stella spun around.

"Oh look the wanna be murders have returned." Stella mused. "Hi cuties... welcome back." 

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