5. Honestly

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"The current queen is going to be a problem." Stella remarked. Tyland stared back at her. "I need you to get me an audience with the king." 


"Don't give me that tone." Stella countered. "I didnt like Aegon, I pushed him away and then, honestly, honestly, I don't know how it happened but I fell for him." 

"That's sweet." Tyland remarked. 

"It is." Stella agreed. "I love him and we are meant to be together." Tyland smiled softly. Stella being in love could end one of two ways, one happily ever after and a crown on her head or he broke her heart and she burst, searing her light across all of kings landing and blinding the world in the process. "But the bitch wont wed us. I know it but she doesnt have any power so I need an audience with the king-"

"Stella, I can't just ask the king-"

"Yes you can." Stella countered. 

"Stella, he is busy-"

"He is not. He is sick and spends most his time abed." Stella countered. "I just need two minutes to plea my case about why he should wed Aegon to me." 

"I will see what I can do." Tyland agreed knowing that arguing with Stella was a losing battle.

"That's all I ask." Stella agreed innocently. 


''A boy. I've just heard.' Laenor said happily

''Yes.'' Rhaenyra agreed through pained breaths.

''Well done. Where are you going?'' Laenor countered following her down the halls.

''She wants to see him.'' Rhaenyra hissed

''Now? I'm coming with you.''

''I should hope so.'' Rhaenyra countered

''Let me take him.'' Laenor offered

''No, she'll get no such satisfaction from me. Just take my arm, at the least.'' Rhaenyra told him stubbornly and he held onto her trying to help her walk.

''Was it terribly painful?''

''Oh gods.'' Rhaenyra grumbled men knew nothing of birthing pain.

''I took a lance through the shoulder once.'' Laenor remarked.

"My deepest sympathies." Rhaenyra hissed


"Your grace, I know that you are very busy," Stella began. "But I had something I wished to speak to you about."

"Of course my dear." Viserys agreed. "Aegon is so smitten with you."

"And I with him." Stella assured. "Which is why I'm here." Viserys had thought that Aegon and Stella would be a good match. Aegon was tripping over air constantly to get to her. He chased after her and he was focused in the courtyard for training ever since Stella started watching his lessons. She gave his life balance and purpose it seemed. 

"I come to you to propose a union between our houses." Stella informed him. "I would be honored if you considered me as a match for Aegon." 

"I think that sounds lovely." Viserys agreed as there was a knock on the door. 

''Princess.'' Criston remarked opening the door for them.

''Rhaenyra! You should be resting after your labors.'' Alicent declared

''I have no doubt that you would prefer that, Your Grace.'' Rhaenyra seethed

''You must sit. Talya, fetch a cushion for the Princess.'' Alicent instructed and a cushion was placed on the couch for her.

''There's no need.''

''Nonsense. We'll finish this later.'' Alicent assured offering Rhaenyra her fakest of smiles.

''Your Grace.'' Talya said nodding to the queen as she left. Rhaenyra sat with a groan.

''What happy news this morning.'' Viserys declared, Rhaenyra looked to Stella coming up behind Viserys. 

'Indeed, Your Grace.'' Laenor remarked.

"Congratulations Princess." Stella offered kindly. 

"Thank you lady Stella." Rhaenyra answered. 

''Where is he? Where is my grandson? There. There he is. Oh.'' Viserys took him from Rhaenyra and held him up.

"Handsome little prince." Stella remarked. "I will leave you to enjoy this time with family." Stella said sweetly as she headed out. 

 ''A fine Prince. Sturdy. You will make a fearsome knight.'' Viserys told her and Rhaenyra couldn't help but smile. ''Yes, you will.'' He added softly to the babe.

''Does the babe have a name yet?'' Alicent questioned

''We haven't spoken...'' Rhaenyra began as Laenor spoke up

'Joffrey. He'll be called Joffrey.'' Laenor told them proudly.

'That's an unusual name for a Velaryon.'' Alicent remarked.

''I do believe he has his father's nose.'' Viserys offered with a chuckle. Alicent looked at the little black hairs on Joffrey's head. ''Don't you?'' Viserys offered.

''If you don't mind, Your Grace, your daughter has exerted herself heroically and should rest.'' Laenor offered

''Of course. There.'' Viserys passed Joffrey back off to Rhaenyra ''Well done, my girl.'' 

''Oh. Do keep trying, Ser Laenor'' Alicent whispered. ''Sooner or later, you may get one who looks like you.'' She offered.

"Lady Stella, I assume your meeting was fruitful." Criston remarked as he closed the door behind her. 

"I like verification, written and signed contracts," Stella remarked. "But I think things are going just as planned." She agreed. 

"You are good for the prince." Criston informed her. 

"I think so to." Stella agreed. 

"He needs a stern hand." 

"He just needed to be tamed." Stella countered. "His mother let him roam, no path or direction."

"I think the princes should be at their lessons in the pits." Criston remarked as Stella headed off. 

"Thank you Ser Criston." Stella called back as she moved down the hall. 

Criston closed the door again as Rhaenyra and Laenor headed down the hall but he heard a shout through the door of an enraged Alicent. 


"Stella is a lovely girl, the lannister's wealth-"

"I won't have my eldest son married off to her!" Alicent countered. 

"What's wrong with Stella? SHe is sweet and Aegon is quite taken with her." Viserys countered. 

"She wants his crown." ALicent retorted. 

"Aegon is not the heir." Viserys countered gently. "We can speak more about this-"

"Never. Aegon will not be married off to her."

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