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!!*** TW ***!!

Jane and I returned home after a sitting together for a while. It was hard for us to leave our tranquil spot on the river. But there was business to handle, and we couldn't put it off for long.

When we made it back, we set a plan with the others to leave before dawn to make the journey up the mountain. Rip and I decided to bring Colby and Ryan with us. The rest, mainly those who were branded, would remain here to clean up the bodies left behind from the attack.

It was a restless night for us all. I especially lacked the proper sleep as I had to spill everything to Monica the second I walked through the house doors.

I didn't actively try to lie to her, but I won't say I didn't withhold certain truths from the story. I gave her a detailed gist of Jane's background and how she ended up here in the first place.

I fabricated a bit in telling her that Jane was only trusting towards me and no one else, which is why we are so close. This wasn't a complete lie, Jane did trust me more than the others, but she had no problems socializing and making friends with everyone.

It was hard enough to leave the memory of our kiss at the river, but coming home and having to act like it never happened really took the cake.

I laid in bed for hours, I even tried counting sheep. But even when I eventually slipped into a light slumber, I had a horrific nightmare that woke me right back up.

All I can remember is running through dark woods frantically as everyone and everything calls out to me. It was a jumbled orchestra of animals' calls, Janes voice, Monica, my dad, even Beth. Each of them yelling for me in a different direction.

I ran until I suddenly felt a deep hole in my stomach. Jane was now standing before me; she places a gentle kiss on my lips and moves a piece of hair from my face. It's when she pulls away I can see she has impaled me with one of the makeshift spears the attackers welded against us.

I couldn't feel the pain but there was such a massive emptiness inside of me, and it only seemed to keep growing.

"Kayce. . ." She says seductively but her voice isn't hers, it's layered and snake-like. I couldn't move, I was paralyzed with fear. "I love you, Kayce. I'll never let you go."

This is when I finally woke up, shaking from a cold sweat that had drenched my side of the bed. I decided it was pointless trying to sleep. I had already stayed up this long, a couple hours wasn't going to do me any justice. I took a cold shower and decided to ready the horses early and get the saddle bags packed.

It was peaceful for the time being, as long as I didn't think about what I was getting us ready for. Something about being alone on the ranch at dawn, even though we all know you're never really alone, the quiet and the privacy always helps you appreciate the early mornings much easier.

Once I finished saddling our horses, other than Janes, I took to the barn to get some provisions as this mission would more than likely take us over a day. As I was gathering supplies, I head shuffling coming from the loft.

Not knowing if it could be one of the woodland people, I draw my weapon while quietly going up the ladder to the loft.

When I lift the trap door and peak out, I see Jane sitting on the ground with her legs dangling from the giant window of the barn.

"Jane? What're you doing up?"

She doesn't respond. Not that I was expecting her to but a small part of me was hopeful for it. I holster my weapon and take a seat next to her.

ℙ𝕠𝕣𝕥𝕣𝕒𝕚𝕥 𝕠𝕗 𝔸 𝔻𝕖𝕒𝕕 𝔾𝕚𝕣𝕝 - 𝕂𝕒𝕪𝕔𝕖 𝔻𝕦𝕥𝕥𝕠𝕟Where stories live. Discover now