"J, I'm gonna clean some of your cuts and it's gonna hurt, okay?"

"Can't be any more painful than what I'm feeling right now," Jackson replies.

"Well you can still chat my ear off so that's good," Mirana says, gently wiping at the cuts on Jackson's face.

"Oh I was so wrong," Jackson groans. "This hurts like a bitch"

"Just a little longer, Jackson," Mirana reassures him, gently stroking his hair. "Tim, how's that ambulance looking?"

"Should be here any minute," Tim replies, glancing at the approaching ambulance. "Hang in there, Jackson."

Mirana helps the paramedics load Jackson onto a gurney as Sergeant Grey approaches Stanton and Tim.

"Wait," Jackson croaks. "I want to watch this"

"Officer Doug Stanton," Grey says. "I am hereby placing you under administrative leave effective immediately -- gun and badge"

"Back off," Stanton sneers at Tim who holds his hands out.

"Give me a reason," Tim retorts.

"You will not leave town," Grey says. "You will not act as a police officer in any capacity including court. You will make yourself available to the Chief of Police within 30 minutes' notice. Pending review, you will be brought up before a board of rights"

"This isn't over," Stanton says.

"No. But you are," Grey retorts.

"I'll meet you at the hospital, okay?" Mirana says to Jackson who nods.

"Drag his ass,"

"You know it," Mirana grins at Jackson before turning on her heel.

She makes quick work of the distance between her and Stanton, her face deepest in a glare.

"You!" Mirana shouts as Tim catches her around the waist. "He called your racista ass out and then you leave him to be beaten to death?! You fucking lowlife pendejo!"

"Cabrera," Grey says warningly but Mirana ignores him.

"What happened Doug?" Mirana taunts the man. "Did Jackson bruise your fragile ego by calling you out on your mierda? I bet that really got under your skin didn't it?"

"Shut up, you stupid bitch!" Stanton roars and Mirana feels Tim tense up behind her.

"That was cute," Mirana laughs. "But you don't scare me, Stanton. You've made a mistake, you've angered people who will hit you back ten times harder than you hit them"

"Mirana," Grey's stern use of her first name causes her to turn away from Stanton. "Let's go to the hospital and see how Jackson's doing"

Mirana nods, turning and spitting on the floor near Stanton's feet before walking towards the patrol car.

"You speak to her like that again, I'll hand in my badge and come for you," Tim warns Stanton before following after Mirana.


Mirana walks into the waiting room, Lucy right behind her, where Percy and Janet West are sitting, coffees in hand. When they spot Mirana and Lucy, they get to their feet, hugging the two women tightly.

"Is there any news?" Mirana asks.

"Not yet," Janet shakes her head. "They took him up for a bunch of scans about ten minutes ago"

"I heard you had to be held back," Percy West says to Mirana who flushes slightly.

"Only a little bit,"

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