End of a Beginning.

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Chapter 22

"End of a Beginning"

The next few days were torture. All I did was read, sleep, and eat. Toby and I found no substantial evidence that there was anyway to kill, or banish, or just get rid of the operator. Book after book nothing came up.

"I've seen him everywhere. I go to the grocery store. There it is. I go to my favorite Restaurant. It's there. I hope my sweet Y/N is doing okay at college. I hope it doesn't go after Y/N. She's my pride and joy. The only thing I have to live for. I will do anything to protect my girl. The last thing I want is her disappearing in the woods like so many other young people do. Sometimes I wonder why I haven't been taken with the rest of the poor people who have been. I still don't know what I'm doing right. What I do know though is that it'll kill me one way or another. I've heard that there's extra radiation in the woods. It's dangerous to live this close to the woods. Maybe that will be what kills me."

When there was nothing to read on the page I stopped. Toby wrote in our notebook. It was nearly full already. I threw my head back onto the armrest of the couch and groaned. "We're never going to get out of this mess." Toby looked over to me and pulled my leg to get me upright. "Read the next one, we only have a few more." I sighed, and flipped the next page.

"September 12th, 2017. I learned something new this week. I have to tell Y/N when I see her next, if only she wasn't so busy with school." My words picked up their pace as I read the next few lines.

"The forest caught on fire this past weekend. Some kids were camping and didn't put the fire out. The fire got pretty close to my house, I was lucky it didn't reach my house. Anyways, for the whole week that fire has been raging, I haven't seen that monster. I think it's scared of fire."

I threw the book down and let a yell of victory out. "Woo hoo! We did it!" Toby let a sigh of delight out. I jumped up and spun around. I grabbed Toby's wrist and pulled him up into a big hug. I wrapped my arms around him. He tensed up, but eventually returned the hug. His arms formed a cocoon around me. "We did it." I mumbled into his chest. Toby's hands ran up and down my back, as his hands brushed over my hair. "We did."

"I can't believe it." I pulled away from the hug, and held onto his shoulders. "We actually did it!" Toby looked at me, he looked like he had never been hugged before. I pulled him in for one more hug. My arms wrapped around his neck. "All thanks to you." Toby said. He smelt like a campfire, and cinnamon.

I pulled away, for real this time. "What first? Do we need to buy gasoline, or a lighter?" Toby laughed, and shook his head. "Not yet. We need a plan." I nodded along with his words. "We need to be sneaky. Who knows how many monsters live in that forest." I looked over to Toby, he gave me an unamused look. "Right! You do."

I pushed him back down onto the couch. "Start writing." I demanded. "How many people does he have under his control?" Toby shrugged. "Who knows. I do know who you should be wary of though." I nodded.

For the next two hours Toby and I went over who I should be afraid of, and where I'm likely to run into them. Jeff, Natiley, Tim, Brain. The list goes on and on. The biggest threat was of course the operator. He was everywhere. If we didn't do this right then we would most certainly be dead.

We planned where we would start the devastation. I would drive down to the town over, we would find a recluse part of the forest, and start trailing gasoline throughout the forest. We would bring camping gear, so that I could have a reason to be in the forest in the first place.

"I think that's it." Toby said, he looked over at me and smiled, his scar moved with his cheek. "What about you?" He raised an eyebrow at me. "What about me?" I turned to face him. "What are you going to do after this whole thing is over? You're kinda a criminal." He realized what I was saying, and looked away from me to think. "I don't know. Maybe I could go by a different name. I was thinking, William." He looked at me with starry eyes. I laughed and quickly shook my head. "No way!" He smiled. "Why not?" I started laughing again, it was uncontrollable. "You are definitely not a William."

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