Daddy Issues.

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Chapter 12

"Daddy Issues"

I sat in my office, behind a big computer. I stared at the screen, trying to find the tab that had my patient schedule on it. I finally clicked on the right tab. I used my finger and trailed down to 1:30, my eyes moved to the right to see who I would be seeing. Connie Rogers.

I sighed and closed my tab, to open some work that had been waiting to be finished. Connie's scheduled appointments always felt like a treat. It always gave me an hour to finish the work I was never able to get done at home.

Before I got started I looked down at the time. 1:29. Yup, it was definitely a no show. I looked back up and started getting all the materials I needed together. Before I could even read the paper I had pulled up, my door slowly creaked open.

The other receptionist, Lana, stood, holding the door open, relieving an older woman with a bob. "Ms.Rogers, this is your therapist, Y/N L/N." Connie nodded and slowly made her way into the room.

I stood up, my chair slid back behind me. I happily walked over to her. "It's so nice to meet you." I held my hand out for her to shake. She looked at me like I was crazy, but eventually she grabbed my hand and shook it. "Yes, nice to meet you too." Her hands were wrinkly, and they shook as she reached out towards my hand. I let go of her, and guided her to a chair.

I sat down right across from her, and I crossed my legs over one another. "Are you ready to get started?" She nodded. "Okay, that's great. Now Connie, why did you want to come into therapy?" Her eyes widened a little, as I tried to keep a light smile on. "My- my son." She sobbed out, I could already see the tears prickling at her eyes. "Yes, is your son important to you?" She let out another sob. "Yes, very." She sounded so genuine, I couldn't help but smile.

"What's your son's name?" She looked up at me, she still had the same sad or scared expression. "Tobais Erin Rogers." My eyes widened a little, it was finally starting to all click together. "I'm the reason everything happened!" She started wailing, her head sagged down as she covered her eyes with her hands.

"What happened- if you don't mind me asking?" She looked up at me, her eyes widened even more. I think I made a mistake. "Toby's dad, my husband, always got violent when he drank. One day Toby snapped, I guess he couldn't take it anymore. He killed his father, chopped him up with some hatchets he found in the garage. Then he lit the neighborhood on fire. They never found him!" She cried louder, and harder.

I sayed still, a little stunned, before I reached out and placed my hand on her shoulder. "It wasn't your fault." She looked up at me with wide eyes.

The hour went on. Connie talked about the nightmares she would have, or the times she thought she saw her son. I told her that what she went through was traumatic, and most people wouldn't be able to go through what she did.

When the hour was up, Connie left. Even though we had only talked for a small amount of time I felt that Connie was already on the right track.

I waved to Connie as she walked out of my room. I immediately hopped up from my chair, when I heard my door close. I quickly made my way over to my computer. I searched up Tobais Erin Rogers.

The first thing that popped up was an old news report from 2015. I immediately clicked on it, and I was sent to a website with the words Tobais Erin Rogers Case Review. I started reading from the top.

On the night of November 13th 2013 a horrendous crime was committed, by a 17 year old boy named Tobais Erin Rogers.

According to a few recorded police interviews with Tobias's mom, Connie Rogers, we were able to learn that the boy had a hard childhood. From a young age Tobias was bullied by his peers, because of his tourettes, and ended up being homeschooled with his sister Lyra, by Connie.

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