I Knew You Were Trouble.

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Chapter 13

"I Knew You Were Trouble."

I stood at my front door. I was trying to build up the confidence to open the door and confront Toby about his past. I could hear the TV through the door. I took a final deep breath as I swung the door open. Toby shifted to see me.

"Long time no see." He spoke to me. All I could do was stare at him, shivers ran down my spine as I remembered everything he could have done to a whole town. "Yes.. Tobias Erin Rogers." I mentally cursed at myself as I continued to stare at him. This wasn't how I wanted this to go. His smile slowly faded, and his eyes widened a little. "What?" I gulped as he stood up. "Are you Tobais Erin Rogers?"

Suddenly I realized who I was talking to. If he was able to kill his father, if he was able to kill other people, then he could definitely kill me. He said he would kill. God, I am so stupid. Fear started coursing through me. "Who told you about that?" He took another step towards me, I took a step away from him towards my door. His voice was accusing, like I had done something wrong. "You are Toby Erin Rogers?" I mumbled, my eyes were wide as I stared at him.

We stood for a second. The whole room was still. I felt like I was standing in a picture. "You said it made you kill things- why did you lie to me?" I finally broke the silence. Toby furrowed his eyebrows at me. "You think I wanted to kill my father?" He sounded like he was in disbelief, like he thought I wouldn't find out- or maybe he thought I would react differently. "He did horrible things to you." Toby took another step towards me, I took one back. "You had horrible things happen to you." I spoke again, now trying to defuse the situation. "It would drive anyone insane-." Toby's voice cut me off.

"I'm not insane. I was manipulated, I had no choice!" His voice grew louder with every word. "I had a choice with you, you're starting to make me think I made the wrong one." Tears pricked at the corner of my eyelids, and I quickly wiped them away. Without another word Toby moved past me, and out the door. The door loudly slammed behind me, as I tried to comprehend what just happened.

I quickly moved to my window and shoved the curtains out of the way. Toby had already made his way to the parking lot. He was angrily walking towards the forest.

I watched as he disappeared behind many trees. I turned away from the window. Regret immediately flooded through me. I had started that argument, and now Toby was waddling off to the woods to do who knows what.

I made my way to my couch and sat down on it. My head fell into my hands as I tried to come up with a solution to the problem I had started. When no good ideas popped into my head I decided to go into my bedroom.

I walked into my room and saw nothing that sparked new ideas. "Where'd your boyfriend go?" I heard a cackling laugh behind my closet door. I grumbled as I remembered Lacy was still in my closet. I swung the door open to face Lacy. Before I could say anything a book fell from the top shelf. I ignored it and pulled the gag back into Lacy's mouth. Lacy's eyes immediately went wide as she pleaded for me to take the gag out. I slammed the closet back shut. I could hear Lacy's chair rumble around.

I turned my attention back to the book. I grabbed it and inspected the front cover. It was my moms journal, the one I had found in Tims apartment. I stared at it for a few seconds. It had #12 in big bold numbers. I contemplated flipping through the pages, but immediately shook away the thought. I couldn't invade my mom's privacy. I quickly put the book down and exited the room.

I had gotten so used to Toby being here, even a few minutes without him made the apartment feel empty. I sat back down on the couch. Maybe he would come back after a walk to calm himself down. Then we could have a real talk about what I found out.

Guilt soon flooded me again as the argument flashed into my mind. He didn't want to kill his father. I called him insane, and he was really possessed. I sighed, and layed down on the couch. A nap might make me feel better.

I slowly closed my eyes, but they shot right back open when I heard my phone ringing. I sat back up, and stared at my phone that was on my coffee table. I didn't even realize I had placed it on the table. I grabbed my phone, and saw my mom was calling. I smiled, and picked up.

"Hey mom, it's been a while." I waited for my mom to respond. For a few seconds all I heard was heavy breathing. "Don't trust the man with no face." Her voice was shaky and loud. She was breathing just as loud. "What?" I spoke a little creeped out.

Before I knew it the phone went blank. I moved my phone away from my face in confusion. Suddenly I remembered the research I had done on the operator, and how he was nothing but a blank canvas with a suit on.

I gulped, but ignored the fear creeping onto me. Instead I decided to focus on getting Toby back to the apartment and fixing the mess I had made.

I rummaged through my house and grabbed my keys, purse and a flashlight. I made my way out of the house, holding everything I had gathered in my hands. I opened my car door and threw everything in it.

I stopped for a second, wondering if this was a bad idea, and of course it was a bad idea. Still that wasn't enough to turn me around. I hopped into my car, slammed the door shut, and turned the engine on.

I stopped once again, staring at the woods in front of me. They were dark and menacing. The trees looked like they reached the sky, and every once in a while you could see a wild animal run through the woods.

I knew nothing good could come out of the forest, and I knew nothing good would come into it. Something inside me told me to drive as far away from this cursed town as I could, but I couldn't leave Toby like this. 

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