No body, no crime.

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Chapter 21

"No body, no crime"

Toby, Mary and I circled around the room like a group of sharks. Toby and I had our hands intertwined, I was scared to let go. Like he would disappear if I wasn't holding onto him. If it were any other time I would have been a flustered mess, but not today.

Mary jumped at us. We jumped back, as I let out a small scream. Toby pulled me behind him. Mary reminded me of a wild animal. What happened to her? The last time I saw her she was acting like a normal human being.

She leapt at us again, then quickly retreated back to her prier spot. I looked around the room for anything I could use against her. There were glasses everywhere, and the cabinets had all been flung open. The place was a mess.

I looked behind me, the table I had eaten all my meals on was right there. My mothers favorite vase stood there, reflecting the sun. Bingo. I quickly took a few steps back and grabbed the object. I wrapped my hands around it, and held it like a baseball bat.

The next time she jumped she would get a vase to her head. Hopefully that would do something. I quietly made my way back to my spot, where Toby was holding his hand out. I placed my palm in his. I sign I was still here.

We continued to circle the room. At this point who knew who the sharks were, and who the prey were. I grew bold enough to step back up to Tobys side, where we were losing a battle of intense staring. If looks could kill, Toby and I would be dead.

Finally it happened, she leaped at us again. But before I could throw the vase, she started sprinting towards me. Instincts stepped in, and I swung. I hit her head like she was the baseball to my baseball bat. Her head jerked to the side, and she fell to the floor, like she had been pulled out of the trance she was in before.

Blood ran down the side of her face. She looked up to both me and Toby, she looked terrified. I immediately felt guilty. "Mary?" Her eyes flicked between me and Toby. Then she looked back to the floor and broke down. She huddled into a ball like a child and cried.

I looked over to Toby with a confused look. He shrugged, but something in him was saying he understood. "Come on. Get up, you need to explain some stuff." Toby spoke roughly. I nudged him. "Be nice." I said in a low tone. Then I looked back at Mary. "Mary? Come on, let's get you some water. You need to sit down." I grabbed her arm, and tugged her up. She let me pull her up, but fell into my arms like a ragdoll. I looked over to Toby, who was silently fuming for some reason.

Sweat beads appeared on my forehead as I moved Mary. I really needed to start working out. But I finally got her to the dining table, and sat her down in a chair.

Before I could do anything, Toby grabbed my arm and tugged me out of the room. "Why are you being nice to her? She tried to attack you." Toby grumbled out. "I hit her with a vase, I have to be nice." He quickly shook his head, disagreeing with me. "She deserved it." I folded my arms over one another, and I clicked my tongue. "She was acting like an animal, then she flipped a switch or something. I've known Mary since I was 18, she doesn't act like that." He looked down, like he was contemplating my words. Finally he nodded. "Fine, but keep your guard up." I couldn't help but chuckle as he walked away. I quickly caught up to him. "You care about me." I said in a starstruck voice. I leaned my head on his shoulder, and he quickly pushed me away. "Shut up."

I laughed, but stopped when I entered the kitchen once again. Mary had stopped crying, but she looked like she was in a far off place. Her brain wasn't in the same room as us. Her eyes darted erratically across the room. Her skin was red and puffy, and her body had a gentle shake to it.

Toby and I walked up to her. I put my hands on her shoulders, and shook them gently. Toby stuck his hand in her face and shook it around. "Guess no one's home." Toby laughed, and I quickly stomped on his foot. "Ow!" He screamed out and jumped up. "I think I've told you this before, but be nice!" I whisper yelled. He rolled his eyes.

My attention turned back to Mary. I shook her nicely again. Nothing happened. She stared at me with the eyes of someone who was not in their own body. "Mary. We need to talk to you." I whispered again, and tried to talk in a soft voice. I shook her again. This time she blinked, horror filled her eyes again, and her arm came up and whacked me in the face.

Ducking was a fail, as her hand met my face. I fell to the floor, with a loud thud. Toby immediately came up to my side. He grabbed my arms in a protective manner. "I told you to keep your guard up!" He lifted me to the ground with ease. He walked over to Mary. I brushed over my sore cheek. "I deserved that." I whispered, referring to Mary's attack to my face. She was a good hit, I would definitely be bruised.

When I snapped out of my trance, I saw Toby and Mary screaming at each other. I immediately walked over to them, and pushed my hands in their faces, breaking them apart. "Stop it! Both of you." Toby hushed up, and Mary looked at me like she was a ticking time bomb. "Y/N this isn't something you want to get involved in. I know all about him." Her words were laced with venom. I flinched back, just at her tone.

"Why are you here Mary? Money? Mom, already transferred it." She quickly shook her head. "You can't be here, Y/N, you don't want to get involved in this. Trust me." Her words struck a nerve. I tightened my hands into fists. "Involved in what? And how can I trust you? You broke into my mom's house- my house!" My voice rose with every word I spoke. Toby placed his hand on my shoulder. She glared down at me. "You don't know what you're getting yourself into Y/N. Just leave. You'd be better off away from this place." Anger rose up to my face, I looked at her like she was insane, which she was acting like.

"You mean the operator? You don't want me involved with Toby because of the stupid demon in that forest!" I shot my hand out towards the wall. "I'm not a kid anymore. I do know what I'm getting myself into, and I'm willing to take that chance." She shook her head again. "Do you know what he's done?" She pointed to Toby. "Do you know how many people he's hurt? You're just his next victim. I've heard he likes to get close to his victims before he kills them." My chest rose, and tightened. "He was manipulated by some freak magic stuff!" I turned around to Toby, and looked him in the eyes. "Right?"

He looked down to the floor, looking more guilty than a criminal on death row. "Right? Toby? You said it made you do it." Mary scoffed behind me. "What did I tell you? He's just as guilty as the thing in the forest." My anger bubbled up, and out my throat. "Shut up!" I screamed at her, and shoved her back down onto the chair. She looked at me with wide eyes. She held onto the chair, like she would slip off it if she didn't.

"Y/N." Toby finally spoke up. "I'll explain everything, I swear." Mary laughed again. "What got a soft spot for little miss Y/N? When are you going to tell her about your parents." Toby tensed behind me. "I know about his parents."

"Oh no you don't." She laughed again. She didn't act at all like the Mary I knew. "Shut up." Toby quickly said, his tone was harsh, and mean. "Match made in heaven." She grumbled.

"What are you doing here Mary? What were you looking for?" She sighed, like something in her broke, like she gave up arguing with us. "Your mothers notebooks." My eyes widened. "Where are they?" Toby stepped in. Mary nodded her head towards the cabinet under the sink. I walked over to them and pulled them open. My breath hitched, there were at least 50 notebooks.

Toby and I piled the notebooks into my car. Mary ran out of the house while we did so. We didn't bother to look for her, she wasn't important.

Toby and I drove in silence. This time it was very uncomfortable. "I'm not going to kill you." Toby finally spoke up. I nodded my head. "That's comforting." I mumbled in a sarcastic tone. "I'm serious. I have a lot of problems, but you're not one of them." I looked over to Toby, I could be wrong, but I saw at least a little color to his face. I quickly looked back to the road. "That's the nicest thing you've said to me."

He scoffed. "I know." I took a deep breath. "So, what did you not tell me about your parents?" The car air became thick. "I said that it made me do it. But I chose to kill my dad." His voice was full of hatred. "He deserved it." I nodded.

"I believe you." 

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