Dead to Me.

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Chapter 18

"Dead to Me"

The next few days were hard. I spent most of my time planning my mothers funeral or driving my car around town.

It was hard to be around Toby. I suppose he didn't fully understand. I tried to apologize for how I acted in the cabin, and even though he took it, it wasn't the same. I wasn't the same.

Toby and I left Lacy tied to a chair at the cabin. Toby would bring her food, and would check on her once a day. He let me sulk in my room for as long as I needed, but I couldn't sulk anymore.

I tied my hair up into a tight bun. I had a long black dress draped over my body. A dress my mother had always loved. I couldn't help but tear up at the thought of my mother. I raised my head and fanned my tears away. I looked at myself in the mirror, once again.

I rubbed my eyes, they had dark bags under them. I took a deep breath, and turned away and walked out of the room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Toby, standing in the bathroom mirror, trying to tie his tie. I stopped and watched, as he struggled.

His eyes met mine, and quickly averted away. I walked over to him. I wacked his hands out of the way. "You're doing it wrong." I started wrapping the tie around itself. "No shit." He said back. Finally I finished the tie, and looked up to him. I immediately got flashbacks to my dream. I stepped away from Toby, and pushed the thought out of my head. I didn't have time to worry about a stupid dream.

I turned around and looked at the two of us in the mirror. We looked just as gloomy as the day itself. "Are you ready?" Toby's voice rippled through the silence. I nodded. "Yup." We filed out of the bathroom, and eventually to the car.

I stood in front of the driver's seat, patting my pockets down for my keys, only to realize they weren't in my pockets. I groaned and leaned my head onto my car. "Hey." I heard Toby call from the other side of the car, then something clang on the ground next to me. "I think you need those." I looked up, and down to where I heard the noise. I saw my keys laying on the ground. I groaned once again, and leaned down to get them. "You couldn't just give them to me?" I heard a distant, no, as I got into the car.

The car ride was long. I had to drive all the way to my hometown, to a small church. I found it strange that my mother wanted to have her funeral held in a church, when she had never gone to church before.

Toby and I waited in the parking lot for a while. I wanted to watch the people that attended my mothers funeral.

Finally I got out of the car, Toby followed quickly behind me. We entered the church together, where I saw many pictures of my mother. Just how I wanted it. I smiled slightly. I walked over to the guest book, and sighed my name. I turned around to look for Toby and saw him looking around the room in a daze. I walked over to Toby, and placed my hand on Toby's shoulder. He jumped a little, and turned to face me. "Are you alright?" I looked up to Toby, I knew funerals could be tough. "The last funeral I went to was Lyra's." I remembered Lyra from the report I read. Crashed into a ditch, I couldn't imagine that happening to any of my loved ones.

"Right." I sharply inhaled, and Toby finally looked away from the spot he was staring at. "Maybe you should visit her grave." He quickly shook his head, and took a deep breath. "We should go sit down." He nodded his head towards the room with my mothers casket. I nodded and walked into the room. There was a seat in the front with my name, next to it was an empty one of Toby. We sat down in our respective chairs, and stayed silent. I looked around the room. Plenty of family members, and friends stood around the room. Some wiped tears away from their faces, others laughed and joked.

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