Fuck Up the Friendship.

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Chapter 15

"Fuck Up the Friendship."

Over the past few days Toby had turned back to his normal self. He would constantly shoot uncalled for blows at her, but they no longer seemed to come out as easily. It was like he choked on his words every time he tried insult me.

I walked out of my room, with my phone in my hand. "HA, you look like-." I looked up from my phone to Toby, as he stood there with his mouth open. "What?" His shoulders dropped, and he turned towards the couch. "Never mind."

Toby had been like this ever since the fight. He could never seem to get his words out. Me on the other hand started thriving. His new way of talking to me seemed to give me power over him, in some sort of way.

"Cat got your tongue?" I leaned over him as he sat on the couch. My hair fell over us like a curtain, blocking everything else out. His eyes widened, and so did mine. His hand slowly came up to my face, and brushed over my cheek. Pink dusted over my cheeks. Without another thought he pushed my face away.

I stood up and looked away in embarrassment.

Maybe I didn't hold any power in this situation, but it was safe to say neither did Toby, and that was enough for me.

Finally my face got back to its normal color, and I was able to look at Toby. He looked deep in thought. I wondered what he was thinking about. Was it about needing to stay in a cramped apartment all day, or was it about his acquaintances in the woods. Or  maybe he could be thinking about me.

I quickly shook my head, telling myself no. For the past days, weeks, we had been acting differently, and I hated it.

I needed a new distraction. I walked into my kitchen and swung my refrigerator door open. I lit up as I saw the holy grail for a stressed out adult. I immediately grabbed the only bottle of wine in my house, and carried it to the living room.

I moved in front of Toby and proudly showed him the bottle. He looked at me. "You're trying to get me drunk?" He stuttered through his words like he always did. I looked at him confused. "Umm, what?" He laughed and took the bottle from me, and took a giant swig. I guess we're not using cups.

He handed me the bottle. I tipped the bottle to my mouth and instantly I was hit with flavors of orange and lemon. I lifted the bottle away from my lips and handed it back to Toby, who again took another sip.

We went back and forth like that until the whole bottle was empty. I had no idea about Toby but I was definitely at least tipsy. I looked at Toby, but ended up leaning back on the couch. "Why did you believe me?" Toby finally asked. "What do you mean?" I looked back over to him, he was staring directly at me. "When I first came here, and told you everything, why did you believe me?" I remembered contemplating this before. "You had two bloody axes on your back." My words came out slurred, maybe I was a little drunker than just tipsy.

Toby laughed, and stood up from the couch. He held out his hand to me. "I think it's time you go to bed." I grabbed his hand and he pulled me up. I stumbled into his arms, and looked at him. I stood up straight and cupped his cheek. "I think kissing you is a better idea." I looked into his eyes, trying to figure out if he was unfazed or not.

A knock came from my front door, and I pulled away from Toby. My hand slowly let go of his as I walked to the front door. I cracked it open and saw Seth, the detective. It was enough to slightly sober me up, as I swung the door open. "Detective!" My words were still slightly slurred, and I stumbled over my words as I talked.

"Y/N, I stopped by yesterday, but you weren't here." I nodded and looked up to him. "Yes, I was busy." I hiccuped and he gave me a weird look. "I was wondering if we could have a little chat." Toby walked over, and hovered over me. "Is this your boyfriend?" Seth stared at Toby intensely. I looked up at Toby, and my embarrassing scene from a few moments ago flooded my mind. "No- he's not."

Seth nodded, and stood outside awkwardly. "Oh- come in." Toby and I moved out of the way, and Seth made his way into the apartment.

He walked over and sat on the couch, I followed behind him. "Do you want anything to drink, tea, maybe?" He held his hand in front of himself to get me to stop talking. "No, I just need you to answer these questions." I nodded and sat down.

I waited for him to start questioning me. He stayed silent, I looked around the room, until my eyes landed on Toby, who was sipping a drink in the kitchen. I motioned for him to go into my bedroom. He placed the cup down and made his way into my room.

I turned back to Seth and smiled. He didn't smile back. "As you may have heard, your coworker was reported as a missing person the other day." I slowly nodded. "You wouldn't happen to know where she is would you?" My eyes widened and panic rose through me. He must have seen my panic because he cleared his throat and continued. "You have to understand that it's very suspicious for you to be surrounded by all this crime." His voice became cold and bitter. Flashes of the Mazzi's bodies, the blonde girl, and now Lacy being stuffed in my closet flooded my mind.

I took a deep breath. "I didn't do anything." I mumbled out. He nodded, but it didn't seem like he believed me. "Do you know where Lacy has gone?" He asked once again. I stared at him. "No, I don't." His eyebrows furrowed. "Do you have anything against Lacy? Any feelings of jealousy, rage, or envy?" I shook my head. "No, me and Lacy we- are friends." He smiled like he had caught me in a trap. "Is that why she never left your house on the night of November 18th?" My breath stiffened. I had no idea where he would get this information. "She did leave, with her boyfriend." 

It was weird how naturally the lie came out of me. Never in a million years did I think I would be interrogated  by a police officer, and lie when he asked a question I knew the full truth to.

He crossed his arms over one another, and stood up. "The truth will come out." He loudly spoke. "Unless there is something you want to tell me." I stayed silent. His teeth grinded together and he let out a gasp of anger.

He stomped over to my front door, but before he left he turned to me all flustered. "I will find what's in this apartment!" Then he turned back around, opened the door and slammed it back shut.

My heart pounded in my chest, and I immediately ran into my bedroom. I ran smack dab into Toby's chest as I was running to find him. He grabbed my shoulders to make sure I wouldn't fall backwards.

"What did he say?" Toby spoke up. I didn't have time to explain. "We have to get Lacy out of here!" I took a heavy deep breath. "They're going to get a warrant and find her." Toby looked at me confused. "Why would they need a warrant?" I covered my face with my hands, and pulled at the skin below my eyes. "I'll explain later, we just need to get her out of here." I gently pushed him back into my room, and hoped I would come up with how to deal with Lacy.

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