If I Killed Someone for You.

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Chapter 9

"If I Killed Someone for You."

Lacy screamed at the top of her lungs for Toby to let her go. I stared at Toby, tears fell from my eyes, as blood ran down my leg and onto the floor. "Go!" My eyes widened but I got up using the doorframe. I hobbled into my room, and slammed the door behind me.

I winced with every step I took, but I still continued through my bedroom. I threw everything I could out of the way. I threw my drawers open. Nothing. I felt anxiety rush through me as I heard Toby rustle around with Tim and Lacy.

I didn't want to find out what they would do to him if I wasn't fast enough. I didn't want to find out what they would do to me if I wasn't fast enough. Would Bee come over to my house hoping I could babysit again only to find my door wide open, and two bloody bodies inside. Or would the police come knocking on my door, because let's face it we haven't had the best first impression.

I wobbled over to the last place I could check. My closet. I threw the doors open and finally saw it. I dove into my closet grabbing my gun.

I smiled finally feeling a bit of relief. I leaned on the wall to keep myself from falling over as I loaded the gun.

My brain felt like it had filled with static, and I could no longer think as I used the wall to balance myself. I held the gun firmly in my hand. Slowly I cracked the door open, revealing Toby on the floor as Tim smashed his fist into Toby's face. Lacy stood in front of them, she faced towards the brawl.

Lacy flipped around and looked at me immediately. She held her dagger tightly, as I pointed my gun in her direction.

"Oh shoot, you've been caught." I laughed at my own joke, but Lacy just stood there as she grimaced. I still stood with my gun in the air. Maybe if I was demanding enough, she would leave. I was never to good at confronting people though. I was always the, 'go girl', type of person. My body froze when it actually came time to get her out of my home.

"Please leave." I managed to croak out. I didn't want to pull the trigger. She continued to stare at me with a blank stare. "You have no idea who you're messing with."

Before I could react she flipped around and dove down towards Toby. Her dagger was raised about her head, she was ready to pierce it through his stomach. Tim saw her coming and shoved himself out of the way.

A bang rang through the air as Lacy fell to the floor missing Toby's body by an inch. Toby and Tim both looked at me wide eyed, as I held a smoky gun. Blood trickled from Lacy's wound as she laid lifelessly.

Finally the realization of what I had done clicked and I dropped the gun. "Oh my God." I mumbled, my hands came up to my hair and rested over my eyes. I heard shuffling as Tim got up and ran out of the house.

"Oh my God." I mumbled again. I slowly crouched down to the floor hurdling into a ball. My mind raced back and forth from, it was self defense ,to, I'm a horrible person.

Slowly a pair of footsteps made their way over to me. "Hey." It was Toby. "Get up." He placed his hands under my shoulders and lifted me up. He was gentle, nothing like he had been before. I sniffled and wiped away some tears.

"I killed her." I looked up at him. He sighed. "She's not dead." I stared at him, obviously not convinced. "This isn't the time for jokes, Toby." I shoved past him looking at Lacy, who laid face down.

Yeah right she dead. She's laying face down on my carpet, staining half of it red with her blood. Not to mention she's not breathing. Last time I checked you needed to breathe to live.

He grabbed my shoulder. "I'll prove it to you, but first let's get this taken care of." He gestured down to my leg. I nodded. "Okay."

Toby ended up finding a needle and thread, as well as a wet rag and another rag. I laid face down, as he lightly cleaned out the wound with the wet rag. Before I knew it he was getting ready to stitch my leg up.

"Three." I took in a deep breath as I waited for the next number. "Two." I placed the clean rag in my mouth. "One." The needle pierced through my skin, and I bit down on the rag. The needle pulled through, who knew how many more stitches I would need.

Again the needle went through my skin. And again, and again. I squeezed my eyes closed, and bit down harder on the rag. Again he pulled the needle through my skin. Eventually he ended up wrapping my leg up.

"We need to take care of Lacy." I finally spoke up as I lifted myself up. "Yeah." He looked up for a second, and I finally got a sight of his bruises that were littered all over his face. "Go grab that chair." He pointed to one of my dining room chairs.

I groaned and walked over to the chairs. I was exhausted, and yet I had so much I had to do. I shoved the chair towards him, and he snarled back at me.

Looks like our relationship was back to the same old same old bantering.

"Go to bed." Toby spoke again. "What?" I tilted my head. "Go to bed, I'll take care of this." I smiled, and for a second forgot about everything that had happened. "You're getting soft, Tobais." He scoffed. "No I'm not."

I turned around, as I rolled my eyes. "Whatever you say." I flopped onto my couch, and I snuggled into some blankets.

I flipped onto my back, and watched as Toby lifted and tied Lacy to the chair. He was right, she was still alive. I watched as her chest moved up and down with every breath. I found it impossible that she was able to sleep peacefully after being shot.

Eventually Toby grabbed the chair and dragged it into my room. Before Toby could come out of my room I had fallen asleep, but I still could have sworn I heard a faint "goodnight."

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