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The Chief, a weathered veteran of many negotiations, settles into the worn chair opposite Jay, his expression unreadable. Jay, with a nonchalant air, meets his gaze.

Chief: "I take it that it all went well since you're back in Galetown."

Jay: "More or less."

Chief: "No presents?"

With a subtle flourish, Jay claps his hands, signaling to Drey, who promptly retrieves a massive suitcase from behind the counter and deposits it onto the table with a heavy thud.

The Chief eagerly opens the suitcase, his eyes widening at the sight within, emitting a low whistle of appreciation.

Jay: "250k Urons for you and your boys."

Chief: "Not enough. I'm sure you made a lot more."

Jay: "Money is pretty tight right now."

A wry chuckle escapes the Chief's lips.

Suddenly, the room is invaded by the entrance of a man adorned in the same uniform as the Chief, but distinguished by the subtraction of a star, marking him as the Chief Deputy. Behind him, a contingent of officers brandishing rifles follows suit.

Chief Deputy: "What's taking so long?"

Jay: "Good to see you, Deputy."

Deputy: "Fuck off, you little cunt."

Chief: "Language!"

Deputy: "Excuse me..... so how much is that?"

Chief: "250k"

Deputy: "That's not enough."

Chief: "I already told him that."

Jay: "Salaries coming in late?"

Deputy: "Shut up, and hand us the rest of the money."

Jay: "What if I don't feel like it?"

Tension crackles in the air as both sides draw their weapons, the room suffused with an aura of imminent violence. Jay's gun is leveled at the Chief, while the Deputy's aim remains steadfastly fixed on Jay.

Chief: "The money."

Jay pauses, a smirk playing at the corners of his lips.

Jay: "Tough to crack."

Chief: "I am the Chief for a reason."

Jay chuckles softly.

Jay: "Drey."

With a nod from Jay, Drey retrieves another case from the counter and places it before them.

Jay: "That's a total of 500k Urons."

Chief: "Wonderful, now that's cooperation. At ease."

The tension dissipates as weapons are lowered.

Deputy: "Take those cases to the vehicle and wait outside."

"Yes, sir!"

"As for that situation," the Chief says, as he prepares to depart.

Jay: "It will be settled. No need to get involved."

Chief: "Good, you people have wasted enough of our time."

Deputy: "Till next time, and no more testing."

Jay chuckles in response.

Jay: "Of course. My apologies."

The Deputy throws Jay a middle finger before exiting the premises with the Chief.

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⏰ Last updated: May 17 ⏰

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