Bro chat

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 Finally, the meeting is over. The atmosphere was uncomfortable and tense the entire time, but I was surprised to see how much had been planned in order to sell the drugs.

 "Drey and Zane, you guys head out. We still got shit to plan out. You both know what you need to know. Spread the information to the others. Here are the instructions for the names of our gang members who are going to be at the event. Spread the information specifically to just them and no one else. Got it?" Jay says. 

 "Yeah, we got it," Drey says as he takes the paper from Jay's hands.We exit Jay's house. 

  Zane: "Drey, mind taking me to West Pavillion Mall?" 

Drey:  "West Pavillion Mall!!" 

"Why do you want to go there?", Drey asks.

 Zane: "It's confidential, man."

Drey: "Confidential? Since when have you ever been 'it's confidential'? I thought we were bros".

Zane: "We are. It's just..." 

Drey: "Then tell me, why are you going to that part of the city? You know the dangers as a G7 gang member."

Zane:  "Yeah, I know, but don't worry. No one knows me. I barely stick out." 

Drey: "I know, but there's always that chance, you know." 

Zane:  "Yeah, I know, but I still want to go. I got a date." 

Drey: "What!! You... a date... with a girl?"

Zane: "Yeah." 

Drey:  " When did that happen?" 

Zane: "It's been going on for 3 months now." 

Drey: "Three months! Why wasn't I informed?" 

Zane:  "I didn't know how to tell you. Hell, I'm still shocked. I was not expecting it to happen."

Drey:  "Yeah, but wait, who is she? Is she someone I know?".

Zane:  "No, she doesn't live in Galetown." 

Drey: "Another town then?" 

Zane:  "No, she lives in the city." 

Drey: "Ah shit. Zane!"

Zane: "I know, I know. You don't like the city people." 

Drey: "It's not that I don't like them. It's the fact that we live in separate worlds despite us living in the same country. In short, they are a bunch of privileged assholes. You of all people should know that. After all, you schooled with them."

Zane: "I know they have a bad side, but they have a good side too. Plus, Stella is different."

Drey:  "Who?" 

Zane: "My girlfriend."

Drey: "That sounds like a white name." 

Zane: "She is white."

Drey: "What?!" 

Zane:  "Yeah." 

Drey: "I didn't know you liked white women."

Zane: "Hey, I like all women, thank you very much."

Drey: "So you would marry any woman. Asian woman, or maybe a Hispanic, or maybe a Caucasian?" 

Zane: "Yeah, if she's willing to let me wife her up."

Drey: "Hmm." 

Zane: "It's not that hard. Love is love." 

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