It's a date.

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Damn, how can a girl be so captivating with just her looks, and why do we guys get captivated by them?. Honestly, it's just mind-boggling to me. I'm just standing here gawking at my girlfriend. I should move to meet her, but my body just doesn't want to move. Maybe I'll move after 10 seconds - nope! Okay, maybe after another 10 seconds - nope! 20 seconds maybe? - nope! Okay, this is weird. Don't tell me I'm nervous, but I'm so close though. Okay, okay, Zane McCollin, just take a deep breath, relax, and walk up to her. It's quite easy when you envision it, but damn, my body still won't move. Gazing at her, she catches my eye. Looks like I've been spotted. She waves at me, and I wave back at her. Damn, I can move now...weird. I walk up to Stella and greet her.

Zane: "Hey, sorry I'm late."

Stella: "It's fine, you're only 15 minutes late. I don't really mind"

Zane: "You were timing me?¨

Stella: "No, I wasn't. I just wanted you to know"

Zane: ¨Am sorry, some things came up, plus there was traffic as well. I will make it up to you¨

Stella: ¨ sure?¨

Zane: "Yeah, you have my word"

Stella: "Okay then"

She tilts her head to the right and shows me her left cheek.

Zane: "What?"

Stella: "Come on"

Zane: "Sorry I am a bit confused. What do you want exactly?"

Stella: "A girl shouldn't have to spell it out for you Zane. It's not romantic"

Zane: " Sorry what. Just so you know am not your typical guy, so your gonna have to spell it out for me. If you ever want progress"

Stella: "Auuugh".

She points to her left cheek and says "I want a kiss right here".

Wait what. We are breaking the physical contact barrier already!

Stella: "Zane?".

I did just promise, plus I gotta make Drey proud, alright 3,2,1

Stella: "Za-"

My lips arrive at her left cheek, but of course, as soon as it arrives it departs.

Stella:...........*she smiles*, ¨I forgive you¨.

Zane: "Thanks. So are you buying something here?"

Stella: "yup, there's some stuff I have always wanted to buy, so I got a job and saved up enough money just for today. The prices are 25% off today. It would be a waste not to buy it today".

Zane: " Ah, alright. Let's check it out then"

Stella: "Thanks. After this we will head out on a real date".

Zane: "I thought this was part of the date, but never mind"

Stella: "Hahaha. As if spending time shopping seems fun for a first date"

Zane: ¨Right. I was about to voice how unromantic that would feel¨

Stella: ¨hahaha. Am not that boring¨

We headed inside the store, and I followed Stella as she checked out different outfits and shoes while I rated her cuteness level. She was really beautiful. After a few minutes, we were standing in line, waiting to check out. To my surprise, Stella let a few people get in front of us, which confused me.

Zane: "Stella, what are you doing??"

Stella: "Sorry, I want to get checked out by desk five"

At desk five is a tall, looking young man, with blonde hair. He also has a piercing on his left ear. Damn, he's handsome, I sorta feel intimidated.

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