Sniped Line

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"Why don't you work on Sundays, Mom?" I inquired, leaning over her shoulder to catch a glimpse of the pan sizzling with half-cooked scrambled eggs. Mom playfully nudged me away, swatting my hand that rested on the counter beside her.

"Well, because it's the Sabbath day, my dear," she replied softly, tucking a rebellious black curl behind her ear. The kitchen was filled with the aromatic dance of breakfast, and I couldn't help but be intrigued.

"The Sabbath day? What is that?" I asked, genuinely curious.

"Zane, I'm sure they taught you this in Sunday school," Mom huffed, bustling around the kitchen, tidying up remnants of our earlier meal preparation. With a swift motion, she scooped up eggshells and headed toward the compost.

"No. I don't remember anything about a Sabbath day," I muttered, my annoyance evident. Avoiding Mom's gaze, I shifted a chair towards me, creating a shield of sorts, a reason to keep my head down.

Mom emitted a full and exhausted sigh, making me acutely aware of the burden I seemed to be. "Do you remember how the world was created?" she asked, turning off the burner and walking towards the pantry.

"Yes," I mumbled, watching her grab a half-empty package of stale white bread and toss it on the counter. "On Day 1, God creates light and separates it from darkness..."

"Go on," she prompted, placing three pieces of bread into the toaster slots.

"On Day 2, God creates the sky, forming the land we stand on," I recited, the words feeling almost automatic. "On Day 3, God separates the waters below to form dry land, creating vegetation. On Day 4, God created the sun, moon, and stars. On Day 5, God creates sea creatures and birds, blessing them to be fruitful. On Day 6, God creates land animals, and humanity in his own image. And on Day 7, God rests."

"The word 'Sabbath' has its origins in the Hebrew language, from 'Shabbat,' meaning 'rest' or 'cessation,' just as God did on Sunday. Do you understand?" Mom explained patiently.

"Yes, we don't work on Sunday because God rested on that day. So, as his creation, we are to follow that rule," I affirmed.

"Good boy. Always keep that in mind; you are an image of God," she imparted, and the kitchen seemed to hold a moment of serene understanding.

The weight of responsibility and the need for money linger in the air as I stare through the car window, captivated by the mystical play of sunlight. In the midst of this, Vershar's voice pierces the moment, signaling our arrival at the club site.

" Fuck. I hate you for this Zane, making me work at 7 am is not cool", Felix says yawning.

Zane: " My bad, I do need the money. The guy I talked to said we can earn a huge buck in this club".

Felix: "And we are just trusting this guy?".

Zane: " Vershar you know the guy right?".

Vershar: "Are you talking about lil Tib?".

Zane: "Ye".

Vershar: "Yeah, I know his name but that's all. But from outside sources, he seems pretty legit".

Felix: "Where did you even meet this guy?".

Zane: "At Starlinx".

Felix: "What, how come I never saw this guy?".

Zane: "It was during those times you were busy bartending".

Felix groans.

Zane: "Hey. I wouldn't be doing this if we could keep selling at Starlinx".

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