And so it begins

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Knock! Knock!

I wake up to the sound of knocking.

Knock! Knock!

Zane: "Yes, come in."

A nurse walks in.

Nurse: "Good morning."

Zane: "Good morning."

Nurse: "Seems you boys slept well," she says as she walks toward my mom, meanwhile stepping over Felix who's on the ground.

Zane: "Felix, what the hell!"

I get off the chair, stretch, and head to Felix, gently kicking his leg. He doesn't respond immediately, so I kick it a little bit harder.

Felix: "What?!"

Zane: "Why are you sleeping on the ground?"

Felix: "Huh?"

Zane: "Why are you sleeping on the hospital floor?"

Felix: "Oh yeah. I don't know why, but the floor is just more comfortable," he says as he stands up and stretches.

Zane: "You wake up Matt and Maverick, I will wake up Drey."

Felix: "Alright."

Nurse: "You guys can sleep more if you want. I'm just here to check up on your mother," she says as she brings out a syringe and inserts it into the IV bag.

Zane: "Nah, we have to get going soon anyway," I say as I tap Drey.

Drey: "Mmm, what?"

Zane: "It's seven."

Drey: "Oh, shoot."

Matt: "Why is that so loud?"

Drey: "My bad, my bad. Oh shoot, it's Jay," he says as he steps out of the room.

Gabe starts twitching before he wakes up.

Gabe: "Morning."

Zane: "Morning. Hurry and use the bathroom before we head out."

Gabe: "Alright," he says as he heads to the bathroom.

Felix: "I will go use the bathroom too."

Matt: "Same here."

Maverick: "Same."

Zane: "Morning."

Mrs. McCollin: "Morning. Y'all heading out?"

Zane: "Yup, but don't worry. We will visit soon."

Mrs. McCollin: "I know y'all will. Just be careful."

Zane: "We will."

Mrs. McCollin: "May GOD be with you."

Zane: "Amen."

Drey: "We gotta head back. Where are the others?"

Zane: "The bathroom."

Drey: "Good morning, ma."

Mrs. McCollin: "Morning, my son. Hope you slept well."

Drey: "That I did."

Mrs. McCollin: "Please, keep watching after them. GOD will give you strength."

Drey: "Amen."

Maverick: "Are you guys ready?"

Drey: "Not yet, let me use the bathroom first."

Zane: "Yeah, same here. Where's Matt and Gabe?"

Maverick: "They are on their way."

Drey: "Alright, tell them to say goodbye and meet us downstairs. We will be using the bathroom there."

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