Episode Three: A Crooked Mile

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Hiii lovelies owo

This episode


very short ;-; it's only like an hour or so long I believe? I'm gonna be sad when I finish it, but I'll be back to reuploading some more stories before figuring out what story I want to write next! :D

Maybe I'll try to get back into Life is Strange, or start redoing what I had done for my Human Lightning McQueen story.

I've also really, reallllyyy wanted to do a Arthur Morgan x Reader story from Red Dead Redemption 2, or even a Link x Reader from BOTW and TOTK, but I'd have to definitely take some time to outline and plan out those stories if I did them. I'm not sure yet, so we'll see!


Beauty backs away to the hallway in shock with her hand covering her mouth, her eyes wide as she shakes her head rapidly with disgust. Bigby remains standing in place as he breathes heavily, his body trembling with enragement as he stares at the photo with wide eyes, his pupils pin-sized and his normally brown eyes glowing a bright yellow.

His lip curls up and reveals his canines beginning to grow in sharper, a low, deep growl vibrating in his chest as the hairs on his arm and back of his neck raise. Bigby's fist curls up at his side, his blunt fingernails digging into his palm and nearly breaking the skin as they leave behind red crescent markings. He lowers the photo as his chest heaves with angry breaths, rage boiling in his blood as his stomach churns and twists with disgust and adrenaline.

The muscles in his back strain against his collared shirt as his biceps flex, his body tensed up and every one of his senses heightened as his heart beat pounds in his ears.

"I'll kill him," Bigby snarls with a dangerous expression, turning around in a jerked motion as he storms into the hallway. "I'll fucking rip him apart!"

Beauty blinks owlishly as Bigby walks past her, still caught in her shock. "C-- Crane?!" she whispers out with a mixture of disgust and horror, quickly following after the furious man. "Oh, God-- you think you know a person!"

Bigby ignores Beauty as he walks in long, quick strides towards the staircase, aggressively shoving the photo into his pocket as he grits his sharp teeth together. He shakes his head out, trying to keep a somewhat level-head to avoid transforming as he breathes heavily.

"Bigby, you have to tell her!" Beauty calls after him with worry, attempting to keep up with him.

"I know!" Bigby snaps back at her without a glance back, lifting a dismissive hand.

Bigby moves two steps at a time down the stairs, his jaw clenched up and his eyebrows furrowed deeply as he glares ahead icily. Beast glances over when he hears the commotion, his features now back to normal from their earlier fight.

"What's going on?" Beast questions with concern when he notices the aggravated man, pushing off the wall he was leaning against. "What did you find up there? You know, other than the--"

Bigby shoves past Beast with a low snarl, Beast's brows furrowing slightly as he watches Bigby approach the phone on the wall. Bigby yanks the phone of the dial and dials in the number for the Business Office to hopefully reach either Snow or (Y/N) herself, his foot tapping impatiently.

"I just need to find (Y/N)!" Bigby grits out through his teeth in a snarl, not looking back.

This confuses Beast further, his furrowed brows deepening.

"Why?" He looks to his wife, Beauty standing beside him with a grimace. "What's going on?"

Bigby felt his heart rate spike when no one answers the phone, the man pulling it away from his ear.

Red Riding Hood's Wolf (Bigby x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now