Trip Trap and the Pudding & Pie

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Another chunky chapter OOO LAWD THIS TOOK A WHILE-- so sorry for the delay!


The Trip Trap Bar, The Bronx, Early Morning

Jack paces along the floor of the Trip Trap bar, his hands on his hips and his brow furrowed slightly. Grendel sat at the bar, his injuries from the pervious night mostly healed thanks to his Fable blood, and Holly stood in her usual place behind the bar, lowered down and rummaging through the bottles and other objects under the counter. The bar was mostly cleaned up, however, a large hold was in the wall, some other areas damaged as well.

"This whole thing is complete bullshit and always has been," Grendel mumbles with a deep frown, resting his arms on the bar. "I mean, what's his job, really?"

"To keep shit from reaching the Woodlands," Holly dismisses the man, her tone filled with a hint of exasperation. "Jack," she sighs as she glances up, "I don't know where they are."

Jack sighs softly. "You're a bar. You're supposed to have darts around," he replies with annoyed amusement.

"And I normally do!" Holly protests as she rises, smoothing some of her white hair back. "But who knows where the fuck they went to after--"

Holly was cut off by the sound of the door leading into the Trip Trap opening, her eyes flicking over and her face falling as Bigby rounds the corner, followed by Snow and (Y/N). Grendel glances over as well as he tenses, Bigby throwing his cigarette down before stomping it out. Snow stands slightly behind with her hands clasped in front of her politely as her eyes shift around warily, (Y/N) stepping to Bigby's side as her hand fiddles with the end of the ribbon on the front of her hood.

"Come on, Holly," Jack whines as he leans his forearms on the bar. "I need entertainment."

He notices her attention not on him, making him frown as he glances back over his shoulder. Jack pushes away from the bar and straightens out, turning to fully face the three.

"This'll do," he mutters under his breath appraisingly, tilting his head as a smirk decorates his face.

Grendel appears visibly nervous as his eyes shift over to Holly, Holly giving him a reassuring glance before returning her eyes to Bigby. She grabs a stray bottle of alcohol, lowering it down and putting it away safely, along with two other glasses.

(Y/N) and Snow exchange a slow look, the silence stretching and tension thick in the air.

Bigby takes a deep breath before sighing, shaking his head once. "Okay, okay. I know. Just relax," he reassures as he lifts his hands in mock surrender. "I'm not here to start anything."

Grendel's brow furrows slightly as he looks to Holly, Holly eyeing Bigby warily as she tilts her head.

"Okay..." she slowly replies, somewhat unconvinced.

"Well, well! If it ain't  Little Red Riding Hood!" Jack greets in a boisterous voice, raising his arms dramatically as he grins widely. "I heard you had kind of a... strange morning."

(Y/N) grimaces slightly as she averts her eyes away with a frown, Bigby glaring darkly at Jack from the corner of his eye in warning.

Snow looks to (Y/N) with concern before clearing her throat, stepping in. "It's... been kind of a... strange morning for everyone, I think."

Jack hums at this as he strolls over confidently, throwing his arm around Bigby's shoulders. Bigby glares at Jack's arm around his shoulders with a low growl, Jack either not noticing or pretending he doesn't hear.

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