The Scent of Death

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Wow-- on the last chapter of episode 1 already!! :D That didn't take very long surprisingly

I'm sure the other episodes are longer, but hey, a win is a win


The sun was beginning to set as Snow drives along the crowded road, a pile of important documents, binders, and other items stacked messily in the passenger seat beside her. (Y/N) and Bigby sat in the backseat, (Y/N) gazing out the window and watching people walking along the bustling sidewalks. They had already filled Snow in on what occurred at Prince Lawrence's apartment, now riding in a silence as the engine of her car softly rumbles.

Snow softly gasps and slams on the breaks while honking when a man carelessly walks out in front of her, the man scowling and flipping her off as he continues across the road. She rolls her eyes and shakes her head, continuing down the road with a steady breath.

"Forgot how much I absolutely loooove coming in this part of town," (Y/N) sarcastically mumbles, scowling after the man who had walked in front of them and shaking her head.

Bigby lets out a soft huff of agreement, his eyes flicking to (Y/N) as she looks out the window. His heart always felt like it was going to burst whenever she looked his way, and he couldn't deny how strongly he felt for the woman after all they've been through together.

"Every time I think I'm getting a handle on what's going on, things just get more complicated," Snow softly says after a moment of silence, her eyes flicking to the rearview mirror to look back at the two at stoplight. "How do you two do it? It feels like we're always a step behind."

"It'll be okay, Snow," (Y/N) reassures with a small smile, nodding her head. "We still have a lead. The Woodsman right now is our best shot. But I'm also thinking Dee, is also a good lead to follow if Woody doesn't know anything. Maybe he or his 'employer' will."

Snow nods slowly at her words, feeling a bit better that they at least had some sort of plan after talking to the Woodsman.

"Be honest with me..." she slows the car to a stop at another light, peering back at the two with a worried frown. "Who do you think... did this? I know it's still early, but... I just feel... worried."

(Y/N)'s eyebrows furrow slightly as she softly sighs, leaning back in the seat with a frown as she hums in thought. "Well... right now... I think Georgie is also a good possible suspect. Remember what Lawrence said? 'Fucking Georgie'."

She looks back at Bigby with a tilt of her head, Bigby thoughtfully rubbing his chin as he slowly nods.

"That would make sense. Faith was in trouble... afraid of someone. It could be whoever she was working for. And it'd make sense if it was this Georgie," Bigby slowly says in agreement, glancing back to Snow. "Sounded like Lawrence was pissed at him after I told him Faith was dead. Definitely can't rule him out."

(?) Bigby agrees with (Y/N) and suspects Faith's pimp

Snow seems to visibly become reassured by their thoughts, glad that they weren't completely in the dark.

"Right now, we should just focus on the Woodsman and see if he knows anything, and go from there," (Y/N) speaks confidently with a small smile, nodding her head at Snow.

"Makes sense. That's probably the best approach," Snow agrees in a quiet voice, focusing on driving as another moment of silence goes by.

(Y/N) resumes looking out the window, distracted by the lights of different buildings they pass as her eyes flick along the different people walking. With a moment to actually think, she couldn't help but think about the moment she shared with Bigby in the closet in Lawrence's apartment. Did it mean anything? She wasn't sure. He was good at keeping a blank expression, but being that close to him, she could feel his heart was pounding almost as much as hers was.

Red Riding Hood's Wolf (Bigby x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora