Chapter 17: Unwanted Interest

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With a thoughtful and somewhat melancholic face, Rias mentioned the name of the boy who had left the occult club a few hours ago. Resting her head on some papers on her desk, she could only sigh. After all, he continued to refuse every request to join her clan, which was frustrating considering the circumstances.

"Issei...if it's you..."

Sighing again, she closed her eyes. Since the day she saw him, when she peeked through the club window, making eye contact with him that morning, she had a hunch, a strange thought that told her she had to make him hers at all costs. When she teleported to the park that day and saw that fallen angel dead, she knew she had not been mistaken, which is why she regretted the decision she made... if only she had turned Issei into her slave that day.

"Although...having a slave who resents me would have been counterproductive...haaaa, how frustrating."

Sighing again, she didn't know what to do to have him by her side. She offered him all sorts of things: money, fame, power, but nothing caught his attention in the slightest. She even offered him his own harem, having heard from his friends, those two boys, that it was his dream, but that didn't work either. She even jokingly suggested that she could give him her virginity in exchange, but he refused almost immediately. Although she said it as a joke, it had hurt her pride quite a bit. Maybe that's why she played that joke on him this morning. Anyway, knowing that nothing she offered caught his attention, she began to ask him directly or indirectly to join her clan almost every day, as if it were a routine, although she only received refusals.

"If it's you...I'm sure that..."

She didn't know the reason or why, but every time she was near him, she could feel a strong sense of security, as if he could do anything he set his mind to, even when she knew that right now he was as weak as a low-class demon, no, even weaker than that. Because of that contradictory and comforting feeling, she coveted him more and more.

"I should talk to him tomorrow..."

Opening her eyes and leaning back in her chair, she whispered that, setting aside her musings, she prepared to get up from her desk when suddenly, a white light manifested in the middle of the club room.


Frowning immediately, a figure she recognized well appeared in the middle of the club, causing her mood to deteriorate rapidly, instinctively biting her lip in frustration.


"Is that really enough?"

With a visibly confused face, Issei asked the red dragon emperor if the instructions he had given were correct.

After all, the instructions were...too simple. To assert his dominion, all he had to do was draw a magical circle that he would indicate in the middle of his room and imbue it with a little magical power, just that, although the only thing that seemed a bit annoying was...

"Although I must draw it with my own blood, right?"

It was actually a minor inconvenience.

「Exactly, it is essential to do it with your blood, as it will serve as a link to connect it with my dragon essence.」

It wasn't that big of a deal, although if it were a too large magical circle, he would need too much blood.

Getting up from his bed, he went to his nightstand, opened the drawer, and took out a small knife for cutting fruit.

"I'm not that good at anatomy, but this vein should release enough, tell me the shape of the magical circle."

As he got up from his bed and stood in the middle of his room, he directed the knife to his wrist, while amplifying his vision to not make a mistake in the cut, something suddenly happened...

「Partner...We have a visitor」

Right where Issei was standing, a red magic circle was drawn, illuminating the entire room. Instinctively stepping back, he stared intently at the center of his room.

"Is this... Rias-sempai"

Sharpening his gaze, he began to wonder, why is she here? Is it because of his sacred gear? Maybe she was trying to convince him again to join her clan. After all, she is stubborn in that sense, or could it be that she noticed what he was trying to do a few seconds ago? After all, Rias appeared in the park after killing Yuuma because he thought of her at that moment... Did she read his intentions?

Materializing in the middle of his room, Rias quickly glanced around his room before fixing her gaze on him... Was she angry? Noticing an unusual look in her, Issei was sitting on his bed, staring at her intently. The knife he had moments ago, he hid it under his pillow. Anticipating Rias, Issei was the first to speak.

"Rias-sempai, what are you doig her-?"

Interrupting his words suddenly, she jumped towards him, like a wild animal, taking him by surprise, falling backwards on his bed, Rias was on top of him, immobilizing his two arms, facing him. Rias parted her lips to speak, although he was still surprised by what she would say, he certainly did not imagine this at all.

"Issei, please, take my virginity"


Lying on his bed, and being immobilized by Rias, Issei could only put on a blank face upon hearing what she said, although he quickly dismissed it as another of her follies, trying to force his way out of her grip, he achieved nothing, only making Rias grip firmer.

"Issei, please, this is urgent"

Feeling Rias' grip stronger on his wrists, he could only give up trying to free himself and look her in the face.

"Could you stop these stupidities? No matter how much you try, I will not join your clan."

Dismissing her words as another empty attempt to get him to join her clan, he spoke seriously while looking into her eyes.

Although his room was dark, he could see Rias perfectly, is it because he has surpassed human limits? Observing her closely, the expression he saw on her when she spoke those words was one of annoyance.

"I see"

Uttering those words, Rias tightened her grip on Issei's wrists a bit more, releasing a small sound of pain. Issei was putting on an increasingly annoyed face, as he looked at Issei's expression, a light of understanding came to Rias, realizing that Issei would not take her seriously if she did not act more directly.


Rias brought her face close to Issei's and abruptly joined her lips with his, totally surprised, he could only open his eyes in surprise, so that's what kissing felt like? It was the first thought that came to him although it was very fleeting.


Letting out a small scream, Rias suddenly pulled away from Issei's face, with wide eyes.

"Y-You, did you bite me?"

With a thin thread of blood coming out of her mouth, Rias was in shock, after all, in her first kiss, something she had cherished so dearly, the boy she gave it to, had... bitten her.

N/T: If you wonder why it took me so long to update, it was because I accidentally deleted several chapters from my laptop and that's why I lost the desire to write.

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