Chapter 14: T̶r̶u̶s̶t̶

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Issei was in the club room sitting in front of the president, they were the only two in the club when she asked him that unusual question.

Why was she asking him this? No, in the first place this was suspicious, did she know about the evolution of his sacred gear? If so, how could she guess? With increasingly suspicious eyes, Issei looked at Rias with a serious expression while crossing his arms.

"Isn't it a bit excessive to look at me with that level of distrust? After all, you've already seen me naked"

As Rias said that, she lightly touched her chest with her finger while smiling. Dismissing those meaningless words, Issei sharpened his eyes even more. This was not a trivial matter, so he decided to ask.

"Why are you asking me this? Please, don't say another nonsense, get to the point"

After saying that with a serious face, he became more and more defensive. Although it wouldn't be strange for Rias to ask him this normally, she had never actually done it before. Plus, asking him just days after he evolved was suspicious. Plus, she had been sleeping near him today. Was that her real intention for staying at his house?

"How rude, you won't be popular with girls if you keep up that attitude"

Showing feigned annoyance, Rias told him that. Issei was getting more and more irritated by Rias's attitude. He had already decided to break this cooperation in a few days. With this level of progress, in a few days he wouldn't need her protection. He knew that Rias and Souna wouldn't be hostile if he broke his cooperation with them. Souna made it clear to him, but now...

"Don't beat around the bush, why are you asking me this? No, actually when did you realize I evolved?"

There was no point in hiding it anymore. It was too obvious that she realized his sacred gear had changed. This was something he had kept hidden from everyone even from Souna. This was his "trump card" in case they broke their "alliance" and attacked him first. But they had seen through him, this made him feel too vulnerable.

"Evolving...I see, I wasn't wrong, Issei, can you show it to me?"

Damn it, what should he do? The reason for not letting anyone know that his sacred gear had evolved was for a desperate case where they attacked him first. But she had found out. He felt too vulnerable right now... Should he attack? But if he did, he would be at a great numerical advantage. Plus his firepower was still low. Damn it, he got so used to being with demons that now he regretted leaving so many cracks in his defense. Even in something as basic as his house there were deep cracks. After all, he couldn't prevent them from teleporting to his house through a magic circle whenever they wanted. He was still a beginner in the supernatural.

"Issei, aren't you overthinking things? I know you have your reasons for not trusting us but reaching this level is exaggerated. I just want to see your sacred gear to adapt it to your training and make it more effective"

Rias could notice how Issei was acting very cautiously and was watching every move she made. She could even notice how his eyes were wandering around the club looking for an exit. This seemed very excessive even paranoid to her.

"No, I think this level of distrust is fine. After all, tell me, how could I trust you? You lied to me about why you stayed overnight at my house. That's reason enough for the little trust I had in you to disappear."

He was not a fool, The reason why Rias stayed to sleep at his house, specifically in his bed was because she did not trust Issei's words in the first place, she wanted to make sure of the danger of his sacred gear, No, rather the potential danger it would represent for her clan, that was what Issei deduced in this short period of time, Although an important question arose

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