Chapter 5:Marked differences

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With his arms crossed and a penetrating gaze, Issei looked at the student council president. Although he appeared to be normal, he was actually very nervous. He had acted impulsively before, taking her hand almost instinctively and throwing her onto the bed where the light sword was. He was stupid to act like that. Now if he wanted to defend himself he couldn't. If he died now, it would undoubtedly be his most stupid death.

She had a surprised look on her face when she heard that accusation, although she immediately recovered.

"Hyoudo-kun, I think you're a bit confused. I'm not a fallen angel."

They could no longer deceive him. Even now his instincts tell him to get away from her as soon as possible. If she wasn't a fallen angel, what were she and Rias-sempai? If he tried to approach her to retrieve the light sword he would die. The only thing left for him was dialogue.

"Do you deny it? I'll change the focus of the question then, what are you and why are you here?"

As he leaned against the door with barely visible nervousness, he asked that question. A drop of sweat could be seen on his cheek. He had survived, wasn't this the first time he had come this far? If he died now it would be a complete waste. He had to cling to life at this point.

"I must say that accusatory attitude is annoying. I will only answer your second question. I came because I was worried, after all you were very tired yesterday, weren't you?"

After hearing that response, he only sharpened his gaze even more. What was she looking for here? He still didn't know. Did she know what happened yesterday? Did Rias tell her? Even so, if she had wanted to kill him, this would be the perfect time to do it. This was a good sign that he could get out of this with just dialogue.

"Although I'm surprised, you're very analytical and your instincts are very good, it's impressive."

As she got up from the bed, she began to approach him. He didn't try to move, while maintaining eye contact with her, she stopped in front of him.

"About your first question, I'll solve it at school. I'll wait for you in the student council room during recess. Now can you move aside?"

While Issei was still blocking the way out, he moved aside so she could leave. He could hear her talking to his father before leaving through the front door. After making sure she left, he could relax.

"Tch, damn it, that arrogant woman. Seriously, there's nothing I hate more than an attitude of superiority in a clear situation of power."

After saying that, he threw himself on his bed. He was physically and mentally tired; he needed rest but couldn't because he had to get ready for school.

"But in the end, I survived, didn't I? I thought I had lost my life yesterday."

After saying that, he got up and started inspecting his room. Nothing had changed; no, something had definitely changed.

"Should I take a bath? I'll be late if I don't do it. Besides, I feel dirty from yesterday."

As he prepared to leave to get ready for school, he noticed something; when he looked down he saw that the wound on his wrist had started bleeding again and was staining his shirt.

That was a wound that he inflicted on himself every day since entering this loop. After all, he needed to stay sane; he needed something to tell him that he was alive; something to help him resist nightmares at night; He needed to feel alive.

"I'm lucky that at school we can wear long-sleeved jackets; explaining bandages on my wrists would be a headache."

After saying that he started getting ready for another day.

As he was leaving his house, he noticed something. Certainly everything was different. He had memorized everything in detail, every little change he would notice. But now he could see that everything was somewhat new to him. He had certainly managed to survive. Living was a right he had earned after so much effort, after so much trial and error, after shedding so much sweat, blood and tears. That's why anyone who tries to deny his right to life will regret it.

After arriving at the academy, he sat in his usual place. As he looked out the window, he noticed his two friends approaching him. Had they finally forgiven him? After revealing that he had a girlfriend, his two friends felt betrayed and didn't speak to him for the whole week. Had their anger subsided?

"Hey Issei, we're meeting at the usual place during recess today, are you coming?"

As Matsuda greeted him, he said that. It seemed they had forgotten their anger.

"I'm sorry, I can't. I have to take care of something during the break."

As he said that, he began to think. Right now he was in the wolf's den. This place was infested with supernatural beings and most of them knew that yesterday he killed Yuuma. If they weren't beginners, they could easily know that he killed her with a light sword. At that moment he remembered the question Yuuma asked him when she was dying.

"In the worst case scenario, they'll think I'm with the church."

Was the president planning to kill him in the student council? But she could have killed him when she was at his house. He would definitely have to go; he wouldn't gain anything by ignoring that invitation. After all, if he did, she could return to his house and if she had hostile intentions, it would involve his parents. Trying to guess how those beings think was a huge headache. For now, he would focus on class.


Recess came; he had to leave his classroom. His goal would be the student council. As he prepared to leave, he noticed a commotion at the entrance.


"Kiba is in our classroom?"

"Excuse me girls, could you let me pass?"


"Sure, you can pass all you want."

Issei turned around; looking at the boy approaching him, he knew it; his reasoning was correct; everyone in the occult club were supernatural beings.

"Excuse me, you're Hyoudou Issei-kun, aren't you?"

After standing in front of his seat, Issei stood up to face him; now that he had him in front of him, it was really unpleasant how attractive he was.

"Don't tell me, you're Rias-sempai's errand boy?"

After throwing that insult at him, Kiba just showed a sincere smile; something that displeased him even more.

"You could say that since I have a message from her that I must deliver to you; could you come for a moment?"

That really irritated him; both his attitude and his overall aura caused annoyance; He acted so elegantly as if he were some kind of knight from some fairy tale; really unpleasant; but what irritated him most was

"Tell your mistress that if she wants to deliver a message she should come herself and deliver it; not send a useless messenger."

After saying that, he ignored him and began walking towards the exit of the classroom; although he had many questions to ask Rias; He couldn't stand them sending that guy after him; He found it unpleasant for some reason; He heard some murmurs from the girls but ignored them and left the classroom; When he left, He saw a girl leaning against the wall next to the exit; There he felt the same sense of danger.

"Rude; your attitude is very rude Issei-sempai."

He stopped; thought about ignoring her but she grabbed his arm; As he tried to break free, he noticed the tremendous strength of her grip; At that moment someone touched his shoulder; He was immobilized.

"I'm sorry Issei-kun; The president really wants to see you so I brought reinforcements."

Damn, he was surrounded. The knight and the dwarf were now preventing him from escaping. How can such a small girl have so much strength? Ah, of course, supernatural beings. Logic doesn't apply to them.

N/T: Short chapter, I'll try to upload a longer one tomorrow. I'm looking forward to suggestions for the next arc.

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