Chapter 8: Poison

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While Issei sighed, he lay down on his bed tiredly. Today was a very long day. He had a constant headache that wouldn't stop. As he stared at the ceiling with a lost look, he whispered,

"I don't know what to think anymore. This throbbing headache won't let me think properly. Maybe it's because I've been in contact with demons for too long."

As he closed his eyes, he began to think. His power to go back in time was not a sacred gear, he was able to confirm it when they gave him a large amount of information in the club after activating his own. Although there were sacred gears capable of manipulating time to some extent, none could literally bend time and restart the world, that power was like an authority he had over the world. No, it was more like a...

"A curse. It's not a sacred gear, it's not a power that God would give to a human being to help him, it's more like a curse that he imposed on me as punishment."

He didn't understand anything anymore. If God was the one who gave him this curse, what purpose did he do it for? Even now he didn't understand what he did wrong to be given this power. If he could, he would try to get rid of it, after all, if this power is activated every time he dies, in a hypothetical case that he died of old age, would he repeat that death for eternity? Restarting a week before his death and dying again? Of course, he still doesn't know if this power is infinite, so he must stop relying on it, it may have a limit of uses, without a doubt he needs information. A different world opened up before his eyes, one that defies logic. He may find information about his power in that new world, although it was a headache not being able to talk about it with other people.

"It seems there are certain rules. When I spoke to Yuuma about the loops, I had the feeling that nothing would happen. That's why I revealed it, but..."

In the past he tried to ask for help. At the beginning of the loops he tried to cling to other people. He wanted to entrust his power to others so they could help him get out of that eternal despair. But it was useless. He told his friends about how he could go back in time when he died. But at that moment, in a blink of an eye, the world had changed. When he opened his eyes again, he noticed that he was in his bed. The date marked the beginning of the week. He had died.

"Maybe if I say it directly or people come to the conclusion because of my actions, something forces my death and makes me restart. Yuuma at that time was choking on her own blood, I don't think she could come to a logical conclusion in that state."

But why wouldn't they let him talk about it? Why God? No, the person who gave him this power? The being who was watching him didn't let him talk about him.

"I won't get anywhere like this. Besides there's the issue with Souna-sempai and Rias-sempai."

Although he could see that despite being supernatural beings, they were not natural killers like Yuuma. It was really a relief that they were not hostile towards him at all. Since if that had been the case, now he would have to worry about both fallen angels and demons at his academy.

"They told me they would be watching me to prevent anything from happening to me. Although I appreciate it, I feel like they want to win my sympathy so I can join their clan."

Really his distrust towards the supernatural could not be completely extinguished. Although they seemed like normal people, he could not underestimate them. He did once and ended up dying 87 times. No matter how cute and sweet a person may seem, you never know what they are really thinking inside. That's why he wouldn't trust others so easily again..

He must definitely look for a way to kill supernatural beings without depending on artifacts like the light sword that require very specific attributes and situations to be effective.

High School dxd: cursing this second life from zeroWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt